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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28. Discovered flash files: 1 File: BRUH.swf-(8.86 MB, 360x360, Other) [_] IDK Get it Cunt 03/16/19(Sat)14:25:37 No.3384475 WTF why cant I post Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)15:49:35 No.3384479 This is someone's daughter. Think about that for a second. >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)17:17:03 No.3384486 >>3384479 So, do you think her parents more sexy? >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)17:25:56 No.3384487 >>3384479 she didn't think about that for a second.... >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)17:46:46 No.3384488 >>3384475 so we're posting shitty tiktok rips now? >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)18:10:51 No.3384489 >>3384479 Every woman is someone's daughter, dum dum. >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)18:46:25 No.3384493 >>3384475 lol nigger booty dance >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)20:20:32 No.3384501 >>3384475 >ass gets bigger THE ARCHITECT >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)20:40:03 No.3384504 >>3384475 This is pretty sad desu >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)23:17:28 No.3384514 >>3384475 why has this tiktok thottery disgraced my eyes and our board? /f/ may be dying, both as a medium and from stagnation as a board, but the last thing we need it to go the way of /wsg/. >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)23:19:56 No.3384515 >>3384514 Has anyone made flash that isn't porn since 2007 Once Youtube existed porn is the only stuff on /f/ that wasn't FLV video or YTMND rips. >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)23:31:56 No.3384519 >>3384475 Welp, there goes my boner. >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)23:39:45 No.3384521 >>3384479 ima bang all them daughters >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)23:41:06 No.3384522 >>3384475 bitches can work! >> [_] Anonymous 03/16/19(Sat)23:42:46 No.3384523 >>3384475 fuck off with this normie shit and kill yourself OP >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)00:00:00 No.3384525 >>3384475 holy shit that's one of my cousins she actually just got knocked up by tyrone and got HPV at the same time >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)00:01:47 No.3384526 >>3384515 Absolutely /f/ has had modern era OC, they've just all been mostly audiofocused loops, or little widgetty type things. It's the only thing flash does better than youtube besides games, which 1. are a ton of work so have always been rarer, and 2. you can just put on kongregate, or port to an app and put on googleplay, and legit get payed for as long as its sfw. Even if its nsfw, Newgrounds rose from the ashes with "we allow porn" when Tumblr banned it, and is thus the best platform for porn animators to connect with their fanbase. So /f/ is really only good for stolen content aggregation (since there is no Reddit equivalent of /f to do that better), and loops, since we still outrank Dagobah and AlbinoBlackSheep. There's also the fact that manner animators who were relegated to minor internet flash making now find it much easier to find recognition. For instance, ZekeySpaceyLizard went on to do music videos, did a good chunk of Weebl's stuff, and had a miniseries on Collegehumor. RWappin went on to do shorts for Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, a Doritos commercial, Music videos, and game work for Lab Zero. So they don't stay "/f/-posting amateur" for as long anymore. >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)00:57:59 No.3384527 >>3384479 Daddy sold her for a dime, and made her serve drinks to his poker buddies in a teddy with beads in her cunny. your point? >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)02:48:11 No.3384533 >>3384475 Western White girls are degenerate. Surprise surprise. >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)05:23:48 No.3384536 >>3384479 This only got me harder. >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)05:52:30 No.3384537 These cunts need to go on a KFC free diet fucking ASAP. I can smell the watermelon permeating the camera lens. Better yet, let's just agree on a "Good Riddance" policy and never think of them again. >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)06:58:26 No.3384540 >>3384479 Then she should be able to call me daddy >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)08:46:49 No.3384543 >>3384515 Sure, but the only content that gets any traction is porn, loops and gimmicks. I don't like porn so that narrowly limits my content to quickly slapped together "oh this would be cute" ideas. >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)14:56:43 No.3384565 >>3384475 BRAAAAAAAAAP >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)21:20:56 No.3384607 >>3384479 and on the other end of this social contract is someone's son, what's there to think about? >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)21:50:00 No.3384610 >>3384475 its all you tube shit but its good. >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)22:24:46 No.3384615 >>3384475 Look at this shit... What is this doing in there? Nigger shit? >> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)22:54:11 No.3384618 Source? |