File: The Cockpit.swf-(3.64 MB, 320x240, Anime)
[_] Never 4get Anonymous 06/20/19(Thu)11:13:53 No.3394085
Why are nips allowed to get away with this?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/19(Thu)12:28:30 No.3394086
I haven't watched it yet, but the source is allegedly a textbook "war is terrible for both sides"
story and the music in this clip was added by someone post release. Doesn't make it any less hype
>> [_] Anonymous 06/21/19(Fri)02:10:14 No.3394146
Pretty nice ova imo
>> [_] Anonymous 06/21/19(Fri)09:15:49 No.3394161
why are amerifats allowed to invade Iran?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/21/19(Fri)10:01:30 No.3394164
fucking sauce