/ > /fap/ > Thread 15145
Age: 130.76d Health: 0% Posters: 12 Posts: 21 Replies: 20 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 11jul2019(th)19:46 No.69939 OP P1
[HarryPatridge]widowmaker-and-baptiste-french-connection.swf (2.35 MiB)
550x400, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> ???? ???? 11jul2019(th)23:41 No.69949 A P2R1
Wait, Harry Patridge actually made this?
>> Anonymous 12jul2019(fr)00:51 No.69951 B P3R2
Was gonna ask the same thing.
He's not exactly know for H-content is he?
>> Anonymous 12jul2019(fr)02:26 No.69953 C P4R3
Nooo you dumbasses, Harry didn't go and make this stupid crap and why would he??
OP is a retard faggot who likes to stir drama.
>> ???? ???? 12jul2019(fr)02:58 No.69954 A P5R4
How was I supposed to know that?
>> Anonymous 12jul2019(fr)23:32 No.69975 C P6R5
Haven't you seen his stuff??
His content is like 10x better than this shit, use that noodle in your head bro.
>> Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)01:10 No.69976 D P7R6
I was thinking the same thing. How could you legit be convinced this is made by Harry if you've
seen any of his works, at all, ever.
Literally more than a decade ago he made stuff that looked waaaaaaay better than this.
>> Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)01:17 No.69977 OP P8R7
The site I got this from used HarryPatrige for his name for some fucking reason. His real user
name is GregoryShitcock.
>> Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)02:22 No.69979 B P9R8
Cum on now. It's not like the guy couldn't just make a poor shitpost doodle for funnsies, or try
himself in the arts of H-content.
It's not fucking impossible, it was just an innocent question, fuck me.
>> Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)06:50 No.69986 E P10R9
Clocks is a term in newgrounds for shitposters who make crappy flashes.
>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)06:17 No.70036 F P11R10
the colors are a little off, her skin appears purple and his skin appears brown
>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)11:15 No.70044 G P12R11
hes deviantart id is HarryPatridge
>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)14:52 No.70045 H P13R12
Who's Harry?
>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)15:25 No.70046 I P14R13
He did collaborate with Zone once though
>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)22:03 No.70051 B P15R14
isn't Widowmaker generally purple?
>> Anonymous 16jul2019(tu)00:39 No.70054 OP P16R15
He did? On which flash?
>> Anonymous 16jul2019(tu)04:06 No.70057 J P17R16
I dont know but it looks like he literally trace some shitty pov pornos.
Also the anatomy its all over the place.
>> Anonymous 16jul2019(tu)23:27 No.70069 B P18R17
only the one guest entry in some ZTV preview comes to mind
he didn't on any actual flash afaik
>> Anonymous 17jul2019(we)14:45 No.70088 I P19R18
Yeah they said they would collab and then the Starbarians porn parody came out.
>> Nick Gurs 18jul2019(th)02:06 No.70104 K P20R19
lol, op faps to ebony
enjoying that nigger cock anon?
>> Anonymous 18jul2019(th)22:34 No.70119 B P21R20
I don't think a dark tan cock and a purple woman count as ebony, but okay.