File: Eventide.swf-(5.21 MB, 500x475, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/19/19(Sat)02:51:24 No.3377446
Hey /f/ its been a while, reminder to never die
>> [_] Anonymous 01/19/19(Sat)08:55:17 No.3377475
not planning on it anytime soon
>> [_] Anonymous 01/19/19(Sat)18:05:06 No.3377520
I promised myself to wait six more years until I make that decision. Good flash tho
>> [_] Anonymous 01/19/19(Sat)18:23:23 No.3377521
Reminder that ending yourself is a permanent solution to temporary problem.
Life isnt that important though, just chill, with this flash for exemple.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/19/19(Sat)19:23:28 No.3377539
Ive got 5 years left myself.
I wnat to see if that rumour about magic powers is true.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/19/19(Sat)21:24:56 No.3377548
I see you are a man of culture as well