File: Tunnel Snakes Rule.swf-(9.32 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] Help Anonymous 02/24/19(Sun)15:41:32 No.3382303
I have been having issues getting .swf files to open in Chrome. It goes straight to download
instead of opening the flash in a new window.
Is there any way to correct this?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/19(Sun)16:08:04 No.3382306
honestly, i had this issue long ago, and i just ended up switching to firefox with the flash
plugin enabled
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/19(Sun)17:48:35 No.3382316
works fine for me, running some sort of early 72 build
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/19(Sun)17:56:21 No.3382317
if i were 17yo and locked in a vault i'd probably join tunnel snakes too if i was cool enough
also OP how about abandoning the spyware browser?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/19(Sun)18:05:11 No.3382319
Chrome has refused to open Flash in the browser since version 59 iirc. I just open the Flash
files externally on the standalone Flash Projector.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/25/19(Mon)10:48:54 No.3382390
firefox is way more friendly towards swf files
>> [_] Anonymous 02/25/19(Mon)14:01:22 No.3382402
Don't use Chrome.