File: Happy Holidays 2017.swf-(2.52 MB, 700x329, Loop)
[_] Happy Holidays my /f/rendos :v 3303696 Well it's holiday time is here again, and I hope all of you have enough booze and other means of distraction to get you through the next 48 hours. Tonight's drink is.... apple juice with whiskey and a cinnamon stick stuck in it... All this so I can pretend it's "mulled cider" and... to mask the horrible taste of this whisky, which is a common gift in the south?? A little sad since the closest thing to a RL frendo I've had lately is prob dropping out due to "mental health issues." So... I'll def be alone again starting the new year. I'm kinda okay with but it was nice not being the worst train wreck for once and having someone to chato cato with. But...all that seems so far away right now... right now its just /f/ stardew valley and a huge tub of holiday caramel corn. I hope we all make it, I hope it gets even a little better this year and better the next and so on (at least until 2020 or whenever /f/ is kill) But hey, lets talk about it /f/rens... let it out man! Tell me/us about that asshole family member, or the crippling debt that prevents you from participating in the "holidays" just let it all out /f/rens. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3303707 >># >horrible taste of whiskey y-you have horrible taste, :v also without christmas and all its materialistic glory the economy wouldn't be where it is now anyway that's a sick beat
>> [_] Anon 3303709 >># >until 2020 or whenever /f/ is kill for the last time the discontinue support of flash doesn't necessarily imply the death of flash itself or /f/
>> [_] :v 3303711 >># I mean, im all for capitalism and all that. I gave into it and bought myself my networking stuff. Maybe it's just cheap whiskey? I don't understand the whole "Woody smokey" flavors spirits Also thanks >># Shit I forgot to put in a giant neon /s
>> [_] Anon 3303712 Merry Christmas
>> [_] :v 3303713 >># <3
>> [_] Anon 3303743 Merry christmas
>> [_] Anon 3303744 >># so what does the button do?
>> [_] Izaki 3303764 Thanks, :v. Merry Christmas.
>> [_] Anon 3303765 Merry Christmas :D
>> [_] Anon 3303770 Merry xmas buds
>> [_] Anon 3303774 >># why 48 hours? christmas is the hard one anyway i put a bunch of doodles and messages like 'you can do it!' on my keyboard today so i can read them
>> [_] Anon 3303779 merry christmas :)
>> [_] Anon 3303781 >># My parents are in bad health and as such reside with me under my care. I can't afford relationships, a home or dreams. I'm 27 and haven't started my life or had sex. The stress and anxiety have given me severe insomnia. My brief time off from the nonstop 12 hour shift train is almost nice.
>> [_] :v 3303785 >># That sounds terrible Anon, I hope you get a break soon. >># Whatever you want it to do (nothing) >># Eve-Day is a always a two day shit storm for me at least.
>> [_] Anon 3303789 Merry Christmas, /f/. You'll always be my home.
>> [_] Anon 3303791 >># Merry Christmas.
>> [_] godk 3303792 >># Merry Christmas, famalam. Been a weird few days here, 2 days ago my bike was stolen (joke's on them, they got a piece of shit with a flat tire and no brakes)... all that was left was the broken-off tail light sitting where the bike was. Then later I got to work, we prepped for a fully booked night, and as the first diners sat and placed their orders, the gas quit, no stove. The fuel delivery never came as scheduled. A few angry phone calls and an hour later, an emergency delivery came through and we were up and running again. The next day (yesterday), the boss finds the freshly filled tank MISSING. It was found laying in the street about 2 blocks away, and a new hand truck sitting in the lot where the tank stood. Apparently some dumbass thought they could steal a 250 gallon propane tank by hand, not realizing it weighs over 800 lbs. Another emergency call to the fuel company, and they had it re-installed before dinner. I can't wait to find out what the next batshit-crazy occurrence will be.
>> [_] Anon 3303800 >># Merry Christmas /f/. Not working on Christmas for once, it feels kinda good. Also hosting a coworker who had no relatives to spend the holiday with. He's alright. We're watching football. Hope the rest of you can find a way to get away from it all, just for a couple hours.
>> [_] Anon 3303801 Merry Christmas, bois. Also, if you're here, merry Christmas, Toilet-Chan
>> [_] Anon 3303815 >># if you decide to try again, go for crown royal. it has a smoother flavor. and Merry Christmas, too much of the calendar sucks so try to enjoy a day or two of it.