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Creambee - PPT V2.6 fixed better.swf
4,2 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[V5A9Y1D]F !!
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 27/2 -2018 19:04:40 Ended: 24/6 -2018 00:28:39Flashes: 1 Posts: 40
/ > /fap/ > Thread 12796 Age: 109.23d Health: 0% Posters: 29 Posts: 40 Replies: 37 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 57415 Removed the ability to choose the nigger dick. [IMG] Creambee - PPT V2.6 fixed better.swf (4.2 MiB) 1470x925, Compressed. 15 frames, 30 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 57421 >didn't remove the ability to choose the nigger glorifying skin tan
>> Anon 57422 wow that was quick
>> Anon 57424 imagine being this insecure
>> Anon 57427 >># I think the word you're looking for is "disgusted". The only people that want to see chimp dick are thots, cuckolds and other chimps.
>> Anon 57428 >># Pathetic
>> Anon 57431 >yfw games of desire uploaded this version to their website lol they apparently didn't know this flash was edited as a joke
>> Anon 57436 >># >He thinks it's a joke.
>> Anon 57444 >># >implying it wasn't
>> Anon 57449 Now remove the nigger version of the girls and it will be perfect.
>> Anon 57453 These thots are obviously chinks. Remove them entirely and this would be perfect.
>> Anon 57454 But is the content gone too? just saving up those precious kilobytes. Always trim unnecessary fat in flashes, just like nig dicks.
>> Anon 57455 lmao removing features people are actually this retarted.
>> Anon 57457 >># Nah I say you're more of a faggot if your focus is more so on the guy instead of the girl.
>> Anon 57469 he keeps all the "deleted" dicks in a folder for later personal use
>> Anon 57480 >># Thanks Anon. You're my hero. And the hero of Western Civilization.
>> Anon 57482 >># Did they really? lulz
>> Anon 57502 >># Yes, he's a hero to all the triggered insecure nazis with micrococks.
>> Anon 57507 >># You're retarded if you think this was made because someone was triggered that there was a black dick. The "fixed" meme is because of how triggered it makes people who think this is serious. Look at any of the "fixed" threads and you'll see the same thing. Further, it's fucking obvious a joke because black dick was optional from the get-go and you had to go out of your way to select it.
>> Anon 57514 Can you make a version that's de-cucked? I don't want any penises in there except my own. I'm not a cuck, you know.
>> Anon 57519 >># Why don't you see anything that's the other way around if it's "just a meme". Can't recall a time where someone took a white dick and made it black in a flash. Oh, and it's a bit hard to catch the "joke" when you see them speak about black ppl so negatively.
>> Anon 57523 >># 1. Memes don't require a reversed version to exist for it to be a meme. What's the opposite of baneposting? Is it just regular posting? Man haha those regular posters man, good meme. 2. The meme started out with turning a -8 swf (which there was no color controls) brownish guy the exact same color as Rosalina. The momentum kept as the joke being "fixed version means turn black into white" because of the outrage that it received. 3. There are some swfs where they make blacked versions (christ-chan). Even then there's some swfs where they make someone vibrant blue (not_new_Blu). 4. Fucking make your own edit and call it "fixed" or "blacked" or w.e. the fuck you want, it's not hard at all. Don't be a fucking retard, do something instead of bitching and whining. If you can't take offense humor, then go back to tumblr/reddit.
>> Anon 57524 >># You just got told.
>> Anon 57525 >># You're not a swfchan user, if you've never been triggered. He's not an abuser, he just doesn't want it niggered.
>> Anon 57527 Now THIS is dedication
>> Anon 57538 >># That's one weird way to spell "tumbler", but maybe i'm behind the times here.
>> Anon 57551 >># Tumblr*
>> Anon 57650 >># scholar'd
>> Anon 57660 >># But this isn't humor, it's just lazy edgelording. You can't bitch about people not getting the "joke" when there's nothing remotely clever about it.
>> Anon 57661 >># This assumes no one finds "lazy edgelording" producing outrage to be funny. Humor has always been subjective. Claiming that a joke isn't a joke because you don't find it funny, doesn't make it not a joke. You can criticize it saying it's lazy or whatever, but you can't objectively claim it's not a joke. In case you feel the need to reply with "I never said it's not a joke" then maybe you should google "scare quotes".
>> Anon 57666 This thread has stayed active for a lot longer than I thought it would. Who the fuck is still triggered by this?
>> ???? ???? 57673 Oh swfchan! You and your partial fascination of dark skin folk. :3
>> Anon 57680 It's not really triggering anyone. If anything, the 'I'm just pretending' bit only confirms why this was made. It's mockworthy, so it gets mocked.
>> Anon 57691 How goes the day to day struggle of avoiding your built in nigger, I mean, your shadow, OP?
>> Anon 57692 >># >It's not really triggering anyone >33 replies lol, k brah. Meanwhile, >># has 10 replies, all of them meme replies. Proves that racists definitely have a thicker skin than SJW's and redditors. But hey, I get it, you faggots can't live without black dick, can you?
>> Anon 57694 >># >It's not really triggering anyone >33 replies Meanwhile, >>>56968 has only 10 replies, all of them memes. Guess that proves racists have a much thicker skin than redditors and SJW's, you faggots just live in a state of being perpetually offended and prove it every chance you get, don't you?
>> Anon 57709 >># >># >either newfag or shy
>> Anon 57711 >># Most of these replies are edgy tryhards and the people mocking them. Not exactly a good metric for success. Also nice doublepost.
>> Anon 57718 >># Half the posts here are because autists like you keep doubleposting by mistake
Created: 27/2 -2018 19:10:35 Last modified: 24/7 -2019 17:59:38 Server time: 05/11 -2024 11:35:57