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argonvile - monstermind 1.02.swf
9,19 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (2):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 10/12 -2019 08:41:09 Ended: 11/12 -2019 07:59:58Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
File: monstermind.swf-(9.18 MB, 768x432, Hentai)
[_] Anon 3411330 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3411368 eww, furry
>> [_] Anon 3411375 Getting them to cum was harder than I thought. The dog came from head pats but only after foot rubs.
>> [_] Anon 3411383 someone put porn in my puzzle game
>> [_] Anon 3411385 Fun fact, out of all porn on the internet I've seen in my life I've had my most satisfying/best orgasms to this game. Something about it hits everything right.
>> [_] Anon 3411389 >># the crazy thing is it's actually a good game, and humorous, and then your fingering a fucking pokemon and its like what the fuck
>> [_] Anon 3411405 >># I know what you mean and I don't usually go for furry/scaly shit. The perfect porn game is challenging and enough with enough titillation dispersed that you end up edging while actually having fun playing the game. Not too difficult that you spend more focus on the game and stop edging or go soft, but not too easy otherwise it doesn't feel like you earned your nut. Anymore games that strike that balance really well?
>> [_] Anon 3411432 I've been bamboozled this isn't H for Hentai this is H for Hop!
>> [_] Anon 3411433 >># nevermind that pokemon showed me the pokepussy
>> [_] Anon 3411443 Little bit buggy, no pun intended. like there's alot of technical bugs in this one.
>> [_] Anon 3411446 How do you make grimer cum?
>> [_] Anon 3411447 >># Figured it out. You have to submerge the inside inside him (despite choosing all the straight options, go figure.) by holding down the mouse in his torso then move it around to find exclamation points. Stop movement, release mouse, then start the click, hold, release pattern like other pokemon. There's a few spots that have different actions. However, buizel just left because of teh fact I fingered grimer. This game is getting real fucking weird for a porn game.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 27/4 -2018 18:18:05 Ended: 22/8 -2018 15:51:24Flashes: 1 Posts: 27
/ > /fap/ > Thread 13154 Age: 109.89d Health: 0% Posters: 18 Posts: 27 Replies: 23 Files: 2+2
>> Anon 59191 bug fixes for your favorite puzzle game :^) [IMG] argonvile - monstermind 1.02.swf (9.19 MiB) 768x432, Compressed. 2 frames, 60 fps (00:00). Ver21, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Nanonymous 59205 [IMG]LOLNO.jpg
>> Nanonymous 59206 That being said I actually like this game.
>> Anon 59216 >># lulz
>> Anon 59252 there's another one: if you're quick enough (or have a potato PC) and click on the "sequence" just before it closes, you will grab and have it stuck in your mouse and the whole game freezes. Nice game idea but badly implemented (it's slow and not very interesting, c'mon, selecting "female" and having an option for "dicks" later on?? I'll never understand the furries) If my dick was clever I'd fap to this but lolno. Made me lol at the dialogue at least.
>> Anon 59255 >># >Lol what are bisexuals Retard
>> Anon 59280 It could have been such a great game if it wasn't fucking pokemanz. Such a great game... Fuck furries and their hueg commission monies. I want people to cater to my very specific fetishes too.
>> Anon 59293 I hope someone will be able to mod it and add a solve puzzle button
>> Anon 59294 >># Nah, but i want a mini games solve button in case of getting fucked up in the dice game.
>> Anon 59296 >># >Implying faggotry is anything resembling healthy psyche Absolutely weimar
>> Anon 59312 >># >Being so unenlightened and simple-minded that you stick to just one sexuality Try again brainlet cuck
>> Anon 59319 So why the hell did this pokemon porn need to have a M. Night Shamalamadingdong twist at the end?
>> Anon 59326 >># i'm sorry what
>> Anon 59328 >># >Trusting kike promoted and invented sexuality by (((Freud))) and co Still weimar little bit of fall of rome as well >Furfag still tries to make excuses for his deviancies What's next? >It's current year anon you are a brainlet if you don't fuck kids and dogs! >Muh Romans, Greeks >Muh Animal kingdom
>> Anon 59329 >># are traps gay?
>> Anon 59335 >># Figure it out on your own :^)
>> Anon 59338 >># Okay you enjoy being boring I'm gonna enjoy sexy irl traps like Mariza
>> Anon 59394 >># >Can't retort >Lol you're boring! Enjoy going the way of Shuaiby, degenerate. (Who was also a faggot tranny on HRT)
>> Anon 59396 so where's the sex in this game?
>> Anon 59398 >># The foreplay only since we are the floating hand lmao. Kinda like Magic being that those pokemon used for private's need ((^:
>> Anon 59404 >># Okay brainlet lol
>> Anon 59406 >># By the way I'm still waiting for that retarded explanation of how ArgonVile is a pedo Or did you realize you don't have any proof so now you're just going back to calling people faggots like you're an eastern european who is scared that he thinks his neighbor actually looks p hot
>> Anon 59628 the way the game kept nagging about gender identity I lost interest. not sexy the way it doesn;t give you an option to argue it doesn;t give you the option "Shut up I'm not a homo and don't approve of that it's a turn-off" also the drawings... lolno. I can't believe someone took that much time to animate these shits. I can understand furry stuff like Krystal or Renamon, or rouge the bat but.. they are rounded triangles with heads arms and legs. and whats with that sound when they speak or do anything it sounds like someone's having terrible diarrhea into an air pump release valve. I realize it's supposed to be like the sounds pokemon make in the games but, in this context it sounds like they are shitting themselves.
>> Anon 59653 CJ9BU4 WLZRIJ 95F5GE (name Quen) 100% save file
>> Anon 59656 I have no idea how the puzzle works... even after the tutorial...
>> Anon 59672 >># Took me a second try too. It's a puzzle solution game, like math n shit. You have to fill the thing with the coloured thingies. The hints are basically strategic guesses at the solution. Every one tells you how many of the thingies in it are correct. From those you have to deduce principles and combine them to get the correct answer. For example if there are only reds and not a single heart, it means that no reds are in the solution. If there are only blues and only a single heart, it means that there will be only one blue in the solution. Etc etc.
>> Anon 60955 >># stay mad soy :^)
Created: 27/4 -2018 18:25:30 Last modified: 11/12 -2019 08:20:14 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:34:03