/ > /fap/ > Thread 13207 Age: 135.01d Health: 0% Posters: 18 Posts: 20 Replies: 19 Files: 2+2
>> Anon 59421 More Ekikon inb4 "m-muh pedo" argument. inb4 "OP can't inb4". [IMG] はぐたん01 [Ekikon Kenkyukai].swf (4.83 MiB) 800x600, Compressed. 136 frames, 12 fps (00:11). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 59456 Yes, more sexy lolis for the loli fires.
>> Anon 59458 >># The fire rises.
>> Anon 59462 ok that does it I'm out. i don't feel safe here anymore. i tried reasoning with you fucktards but no. cya cunts
>> Anon 59463 >># oh ma gah, look at them innocent pixels being violated by other pixels. think of the non-existent children. how about you quit clicking on these threads and then you will have no worries.
>> Anon 59464 >># bye, faggot.
>> Anon 59468 >># I'd say this is clearly toddlercon and not lolicon. Get your shitstorm incentives right.
>> Anon 59470 >># >i don't feel safe here anymore lol wut
>> Anon 59616 >># He probably sexually identifies as a loli
>> Anon 59617 >># Or maybe he's australian.
>> Anon 59620 >># That's a fucking baby, get it right.
>> Anon 59639 [IMG]5a5200978d9bd7e6ef7dcdb16d120ff3d79 590fc8d276fc8de....png
>> 59719 60086 Nice
>> Anon 60090 >># She's 300 years old, man.
>> Anon 60103 >># Hardly a loli then. GAME. SET. MATCH.
>> Anon 60191 Well, at the very least that's easily the most fuckable baby I've ever seen. I mean have you actually seen most babies, I never seen a baby give me bed room eyes, the closest I've gotten to that is the "I'm pooping" face, which is not sexy at all by the way.
>> Anon 60218 >># >OOOOOHHHH NOOOOOO, muh SAFESPACE good riddance.
>> Anon 60219 >># I laughed far harder than I should have at this.
>> Anon 60404 Absolutely disgusting. No sex scene should ever feature more than one male!