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Threads (2):
File: spiral_out.swf-(7.7 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] Ride the spiral to the end. Anon 3338600 >> [_] Anon 3338603 >7.7 MB for a poorly cleaned up gif and a non looping track nibba pls make an effort >> [_] Anon 3338605 >># nigga that ain't a fucking gif >> [_] Anon 3338606 >># well you could have done it with a gif and a fraction of the size. 0/10 for originality on top of that >> [_] Anon 3338607 >># If you can get a 9 minute song under 3MB without ruining it's quality, please do share your wizardry. Otherwise, bite me. >> [_] Anon 3338611 >># You could just loop the important bit...you have huge gaps of dead space and you posted it under [L] The real issue here is that /f/olks already criticized you when you first posted it but you've made no attempt to improve it. As it stands it's boring... You created neither the visuals or the audio so it's uninspired and It looks a bit like something you'd see on band website in the early 2000's But hey lets give you something to work with. The first section of chugging guitar and drum would be nice for a loop and as and some motion... A breathing illusion by slowly increasing the size of the foreground image would give this static "animation" some life. This could be done using tweening or animation frames much in the same way you likely got the ring to rotate. For a more complex bit button could be used to switch it to a heavier part of the song and a faster rotation with a more aggressive zoom in/out along with some hue sliding for another source of moment could be used. If you want to get better being buttmad when you don't get a warm welcome isn't going jive. >> [_] Anon 3338622 >># >># You could even do something as simple as what's going on in this video (another Tool song, but a cover) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZKIfCJZ vZo Always be improving, anon >> [_] Anon 3338623 please, do not post this again, at least not in its current state. this is fucking horrible. epic filesize, by the way. >> [_] Anon 3338625 ...wow I didn't know it was possible to make something this awful. >> [_] Anon 3338643 >># That's an audio visualizer. >># >If you can get a 9 minute song under 3MB without ruining it's quality, Variable bit rate, converting to mono, and separating out parts of the song. If the chorus is the same all the time, you only need it once. Do tool release samples for remixing? >> [_] Anon 3338646 >># >converting to mono of course while we're at it you can lower the bitrate to 16hz since you want it to sound like it's coming from a trash can >> [_] Anon 3338647 >># >since you want it to sound like it's coming from a trash can Show me what you need stereo separation in this song for. >> [_] Anon 3338665 I could never put into words how inconceivable and...beautiful(?) this great big existence is. It makes me want to slice my throat just to see what happens >> [_] Anon 3338666 >># imagine a shotgun shell to the lobes you fucking can't. >> [_] Anon 3338667 >># Nigga, you'd fucking die. Saved you an experiment. >> [_] Anon 3338687 >># You cant just loop a tool song, considering most of their songs are all about their progression and are often long as hell its pretty difficult to find 30 seconds of it and just loop it. >># The song quality is already piss poor here putting it in mono would only make it worse. >> [_] Anon 3338707 >># i want to like this but fuck me that sound quality.
File: spiral_out.swf-(7.7 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] First flash, lemme know how it do BigBurd !!ZPu9KzNepfX 3338346 >> [_] Anon 3338352 Pretty cool. Song name? >> [_] BigBurd !!ZPu9KzNepfX 3338355 >># Bottom left of the flash, yo >> [_] Anon 3338356 >># Wow, that's difficult to see. Would not have seen that had you not pointed it out. Thanks. >> [_] Anon 3338364 >># It's simple, but I like it. The only thing that stood out to me is that the middle image doesn't line up with the top and bottom, but thats because I don't have the taskbar at the bottom. Thanks though, I love tool so it's an instant save >> [_] Anon 3338367 >># >another random gif with a full song that is over 9 minutes long >tripfagging from the get go oh boy >> [_] Anon 3338368 >># I just forgot to remove the trip from another thread. Sorry! And no, it's not a gif. I pieced all that together myself. It's not as nice or as complex as I'd like it to be, so I'm going to try and incrementally improve upon it as things go on. >> [_] Anon 3338450 The focus of the image should be the guy in the center. The flash needs something to drag the eye back to him, like an aura wiggling in toward the center like waves to the shore. I'd also make the ring of eyes darker so it doesn't contrast so much. >># >># Lurk more, thanks. >> [_] Anon 3338462 >immediately tripfagging you newfags sure are getting uppity |