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>> Feel The Nigger Ass 60662 S. Korean prosecutors coquet with French media's chastity. S. Korean prosecutors coquet with French media's chastity. In South Korea, the prosecution has a bad custom of agitating for a criminal suspect to be witch hunted by the public through sway public opinion before the criminal investigation. In the case of a South Korean man who threatened US President Barack Obama in 2015, the South Korean prosecution (Supreme Prosecutors' Office of the Republic of Korea) thought the case to be international news and applied the sway public opinion method to the media around the world. AFP news agency (Agence France-Presse), a French news media that did not question or verify it, became a means of cajolement by the Korean prosecutors' sway public opinion method and got a kidney punch to its reputation. First, the South Korean prosecution reported the Obama intimidation in South Korea to France AFP and as soon as AFP announced that news, the Arabic and African media, the region where French language is used, also announced the news following the AFP report in chorus. Since then, the media around the world, including the United Kingdom and the United States, which have trusted on the AFP news agency, have made a ridiculous scene of reporting the Obama intimidation in South Korea. With this third-rate media coverage, the credibility of the French news media was hurt and the AFP was jeered by disappointed people all around the world that it was just a rubbish tabloid. https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/24/asia/sout h-korea-us-ambassador-attack-charge/index .html http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/07/24/ south-korean-man-made-online-threat-to-ki ll-us-envoy-police-say.html http://www.ibtimes.com/south-korean-poli ce-arrest-man-over-alleged-threat-kill-us -envoy-mark-lippert-2023101 http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/185502 http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national /2015/08/12/0301000000AEN2015081200540031 5.html http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/201 6/11/11/0200000000AEN20161111004000315.ht ml S. Les procureurs coréens coquetent avec la chasteté des médias français. En Corée du Sud, l'accusation a une mauvaise habitude de faire pression pour qu'un suspect criminel soit traqué par le public en influençant l'opinion publique avant l'enquête criminelle. Dans le cas d'un homme sud-coréen qui a menacé le président américain Barack Obama en 2015, les poursuites sud-coréennes (Bureau suprême des procureurs de la République de Corée) ont jugé l'affaire internationale et ont appliqué la méthode de l'opinion publique aux médias. le monde. L'agence de presse AFP (Agence France-Presse), un média français qui ne l'a pas interrogé ni vérifié, est devenu un moyen de cajolement par la méthode d'opinion publique des procureurs coréens et a donné un coup de rein à sa réputation. D'abord, les poursuites sud-coréennes ont rapporté l'intimidation Obama en Corée du Sud à l'AFP et dès que l'AFP a annoncé que les médias arabes et africains, la région où la langue française est utilisée, ont également annoncé la nouvelle après le rapport de l'AFP. Depuis lors, les médias du monde entier, y compris le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis, qui ont fait confiance à l'agence de presse AFP, ont ridiculisé le reportage sur l'intimidation d'Obama en Corée du Sud. Avec cette couverture médiatique de troisième ordre, la crédibilité des médias français a été mise à mal et l'AFP a été raillée par des gens déçus dans le monde entier que ce n'était qu'un tabloïd poubelle. 한국 검찰의 언론 플레이에 보기 좋게 놀아난 프랑스 언론 한국에서 검찰은 범죄 수사에 앞서 언론 플레이를 통해 범죄 피의자가 대중들로부터 마녀 사냥을 당하게 하는 나쁜 관행이 있다. 2015년 한국 남성이 미국 오바마를 협박했던 사건에서 한국 검찰은 이 사건을 국제뉴스라고 판단하여 전세계 언론을 대상으로 언론 플레이를 하였다. 의심 또는 검증을 하지 않았던 프랑스 언론사인 AFP 통신은 한국 검찰의 언론 플레이 수법에 무참히 당했고 명성에 치명타를 입었다. 먼저 한국 검찰은 프랑스 AFP 통신에 오바마 협박사건을 알렸고 AFP 통신의 보도에 의해 프랑스 언어권의 아랍, 아프리카 언론 매체들이 일제히 소식을 알렸다. 이후 AFP 통신의 보도를 신뢰했던 영미권을 포함한 전세계 언론들은 앞다투어 한국에서 발생한 오바마 협박 사건을 보도하는 어처구니 없는 해프닝이 벌어졌다. 이 사건을 통해 프랑스 AFP 통신에 대한 공신력이 타격을 입었고 AFP 통신이 3류 찌라시 언론사에 불과하다는 조롱을 면치 못하게 되었다. [IMG] Angry Obama.swf (53.7 KiB) 720x931.75, Uncompressed. 3 frames, 12 fps (00:00). Ver5, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: [find in archive]