/ > /fap/ > Thread 15155 Age: 100.72d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 10 Replies: 9 Files: 2+2
>> Anon 70013 More descriptive name This was a bitch and a half to find again. Renamed and re-uploaded for future me and others to make it easier to find. [IMG] The_World_Could_Always_Use_More_Heroes_O vercum_Over...swf (18.08 MiB) 1920x1080, Compressed (Deflate). 2 frames, 12 fps (00:00). Ver37, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive]
>> Anon 70016 doing god's work. it's a good flash and worth being found by others. how is overwatch doing anyway? i've been hearing a lot of people stopped playing and blizzard are doing a bunch of stupid things like removing the ok hand gesture.
>> Anon 70021 >># Oi, got a loicense for that 👌 sign there, luv?
>> Anon 70035 >># blizzard has also renamed a bunch of cards in Hearthstone because they were triggering ("mistress of pain" became "queen of pain") and they got rid of a bunch of sexy images. blizzard is blizzard in name only these days.
>> Anon 70042 Yeah nevermind the deceptive monetization tactics and live service DRM gaming with spyware. Paying them to profit off your data lol.
>> Anon 70073 >># Fake news, this never happened. They only changed the name and illustrations in China.
>> Anon 70082 >># if only it was fake news. it's not china only. https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Queen_ of_Pain ctrl f and search for mistress and you'll find >The following quotes were used by Mistress of Pain before she was renamed to Queen of Pain in patch then check out https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Patch_ >The following cards have received new card art: >Succubus (now named Felstalker) >Mistress of Pain (now named Queen of Pain) >Windfury Harpy >Secretkeeper >Eviscerate >Bite >Deadly Shot >Headcrack click succubus and you'll see the old image was replaced by some kind of monster. apparently "bite" had too much blood and had to be replaced too. there's a funny image going around where someone replaced the word "blood" with "ketchup" in all hearthstone cards. the way blizzard is going maybe that'll happen (at least the complete removal of the word)
>> Anon 70094 >># >># Thats's right, China censors A LOT in terms of religious/political symbols, portraying death/spirits/sex, but they don't give a single fuck about SJW triggering, like renaming mistress to queen because wimmenz rights. [IMG]video_home.jpg
>> Anon 70106 The original file of this one had been eliminated for reasons that one does not know. The original had a good fluids on the other hand, this is what you have if you notice some strange detail. SJW and his stupid political agenda gives a great disgust, sure they have their brains well washed.
>> Anon 70135 >># left image from Japan should have the guy holding the flashlight replaced with a 12 year old girls with skimpy clothes, then it would be more accurate
/ > /fap/ > Thread 13496 Age: 80.01d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 12 Replies: 11 Files: 1+2
>> Nanonymous 60789 more heroes more heroes [IMG] more_heroes_interactive_1080p.swf (18.08 MiB) 1920x1080, Compressed. 2 frames, 12 fps (00:00). Ver37, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive]
>> Anon 60793 very nice, thanks! would have preferred it without shota but still very nice it's cool to see correct smoothing setting for video scaling as well! not sure if this has been a problem with washa specifically but far, far too often artists seem to just ignore enable smooth scaling for their videos in flash. it makes them pixly when not viewed at 1:1 scale, something you rarely do.
>> Anon 60843 >># straight shota is always a godsend
>> Anon 61339 Shota is fucking trash and the people who like it should be shot in the back of the head and put into a mass grave.
>> Anon 61354 >># amen >># it's exactly the same as loli aka paedophilia
>> Anon 61364 >># >># Oh no. People like what I don't like. BETTER DISH OUT THOSE INSULTS TO LOOK COOL. Seriously, shota is nearly always gay shota which is pure trash. There's tons of (straight) loli porn, but straight shota is 1/1000000.
>> Anon 61382 >># straight, gay - doesn't matter, you're still into pedo shit
>> Anon 61391 >># >straight, gay - doesn't matter who's the sick fuck now, you gay ass motherfucker
>> Anon 61425 >># it's still you, we're done here
>> Anon 61430 >># >Damage control faggot trying to /thread himself >Moralfagging Holy fuck just go back to sucking cocks on Plebbit
>> Anon 61437 >># >not damage control i just don't feel like arguing with him cause he stupidly twisted my words like a child (and he also seems to think being a pedo > being straight or gay? wtf!?) I'm so tired of these justifications of their sickfuckery. always ends up being a real bizarre and deluded twist of logic. >not moralfagging what I'm saying is true. did i hit a sore spot kiddie diddler?
>> Anon 61463 >># >can't not have the last comment >gets told by anon for being a moralfagging redditor >lol u mad, pedo scum? did i hit a sore spot fellow redditor?