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Blood Elf Interrogation.swf
13,33 MiB, 00:19 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[CLJ0SH0]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 16/7 -2018 23:52:16 Ended: 2/12 -2018 21:42:00Flashes: 1 Posts: 20
/ > /fap/ > Thread 13533 Age: 131.91d Health: 0% Posters: 14 Posts: 20 Replies: 18 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 61037 [IMG] Blood Elf Interrogation.swf (13.33 MiB) 650x650, Compressed. 550 frames, 29.97 fps (00:18). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive]
>> Anon 61122 This is the state of swfchan commentators... Legit good flashes get 0 comments, only bad or wtf-worthy flashes actually get some replies. You guys only comment when you have something negative to say, driving away all the contributors who upload worthwhile content. Then you complain when only crap is left and somehow don't understand "what happened to flash" or "what happened to the site". It's so cheap to say something like "nice work bro" yet you do nothing to keep the engine running. A simple compliment goes a long way. Disclaimer: I'm not Purple Mantis obviously, just trying to prove a point that I made in a different thread.
>> Anon 61185 >># I'm sorry, OP. I watched the flash and I just found it to be meh, another random H scene selector flash with decent art and animation but very bareboned. Not my cup of coffee, so I wouldn't call it a legit good swf that needed to get any attention. If you had to pay for this or anything like that, hats off to you, good sir. Disclaimer: I'm not gay obviously, just trying to prevent OP from standing there alone within his empty thread.
>> Anon 61189 >># To be fair this was hidden amongst spam
>> Anon 61207 But for real OP, fuck that Whale cunt though.
>> Anon 61224 >># It's almost like giving praise when the artist won't see it is a worthless endeavor. If you want to see anons on /fap/ praise an artist for their work, go look at anything from EroPharoh, because most of the time he's going to be in the thread engaging with people and asking about what he can improve.
>> Anon 61231 It's not acutally good though.
>> ???? ???? 61232 >># In my opinion PurpleMantis isn't that good anymore. His animation seems to be a step down from his old ones.
>> Anon 61294 Oh look, some comments. Still no praise though, as usual. Most of yall can't even help yourself from saying negative stuff in a thread where I complain about people only bothering to comment with negativity. Now, hard challenge. Go out there and find a thread with 0 replies that you actually have only good things to say about and post a comment! Nothing negative, only positive. Not even a suggestion that you think doesn't sound mean at all. Go!
>> Anon 61297 >># You can't ask for praise.
>> Anon 61300 >># Come on now. We aren't going to be liars just to spare someone's feelings. Negativity inspires change. It is how we learn and grow.
>> Anon 61301 >># If you want to see some more deserving comments, you should probably go anywhere else but here.
>> Anon 61342 >># I think it's great you're fishing for praise that Purple Mantis will never see. Swfchan needs more white knights like you.
>> Anon 61344 Yall niggas are missing the point. Forget this flash, just say something nice every once in a while in different threads. It will do good things for the board and help flash survive longer. You don't have to post only when you have negative things to say.
>> Anon 61355 >># cool idea but it sucks ass
>> Anon 61356 In all seriousness though, this is pretty shit.
>> Anon 61423 >># If this is what should be considered good then -maybe- Flash is better off dead.
>> Anon 61424 >># Your being petty
>> Anon 61428 Zone has really went down in quality since she started working for Squaresoft. This game is nothing like that Tracer sex game she made in the past!
>> Anon 61465 >># I ... I can't even begin to point out what is wrong with your comment anon...
Created: 16/7 -2018 23:58:00 Last modified: 22/7 -2019 22:23:16 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:43:50