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Threads (1):
File: 2puup-tv.swf-(545 KB, 1500x1080, Hentai) [_] Got Bored Anon 3348040 Edit I did of some -8 flash, fapped to it so whatever. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3348047 get a hobby >> [_] Anon 3348049 >># Technically, making really bad porn animations that don't make a hole lot of sense (MTV?) out of boredom is a hobby... >> [_] Anon 3348057 >># and an excellent one at that >> [_] Anon 3348062 >># The original animation is called pu.swf and saw it on swfchan, don't know why I put MTV, just thought of some weird mass hypnosis scenario. Music wasn't put by me anyway. >> [_] Anon 3348064 >># technically, its not a hobby unless he does so regularly and enjoys it. if he's just doing it this one time out of boredom its not a hobby. not so technically i wouldnt call it a hobby anyway because its not editing someone elses work like this is not very creative, productive or useful. dont take this as critisism, altough you probably will anyway >> [_] Anon 3348074 >># >when you really wanna be right no matter what >> [_] Anon 3348086 >># only because the guy used the term "technically" when its just his opinion >> [_] Anon 3348087 >># Technically, you're a fagit. >> [_] Anon 3348089 >># that is also your opinion. and once again you are technically wrong, which is not an opinion but a fact >> [_] Anon 3348106 Not bad, but export it again with better audio quality. >> [_] Anon 3348109 >># here's a portrait of you http://i.4pcdn.org/tg/1485386218919.png >> [_] Anon 3348112 >># I thought I told my mum to stop posting pictures of me on the internet >> [_] Anon 3348118 >># you know that you can crosslink quote between boards, right=? >># I wouldn't say editing someone elses work isn't creative. It really depens on how much action you have to put in as opposed to none at all. Like, pressing a button to edit something isn't, but carefully replacing music and syncing it up is. In such a way, even collecting stuff or information can be most creative and as such valuable. I'd say for flash, everything that isn't done via a simple UI, like converted videos, like you have to actually fire up flash and write AS or draw something - that alone is a worthwhile edit. >> [_] Anon 3348121 >># I said editing like this. not all editing. this flash is as uncreative as it is shitty. you know it, op knows it. >> [_] Anon 3348145 >># Ah you're right, for some reason the publish settings changed, didn't even realize. >> [_] Anon 3348155 Fix the sound quality and make the man black and you've got a solid flash. >> [_] Anon 3348156 >># >you know that you can crosslink quote between boards, right=? since when do newfags know anything, emoticon user. >> [_] Anon 3348160 >># >that alone is a worthwhile edit Let's compromise, drop the "worthwhile" and I'll agree with you. Converted videos aren't even an edit that's basically just file format transfer, something like this where something has technically changed but nothing useful or beneficial, or frankly even relevant, is merely an edit, some would even say a bad edit since it could be considered by some a step backwards, and something that markedly contributes to the project is a worthwhile edit. Lastly, something that changes so much of the work that it fulfills a different purpose, by fair use law is considered a "transformative work" and becomes the new author's creation. It may be derivative, but it's clearly something new and thereby his. >> [_] Anon 3348183 >># >get a hobby This is why faggots these days consume and don't create. >> [_] DarkNecroman 3348216 How original. Just take someones stuff and just change something that isnt even needed. Why not try to make something more interesting. Like Peach.. Midna. Some other character instead of some shitty version of nothing. |