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Threads (1):
File: wat.swf-(207 KB, 600x550, Loop) [_] yeah its me whats up nerds Xenon !TK/UA49EzE 3348599 hhhhhhhhhhhhh Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Yuji Sakai !!t10KJynxm+H 3348600 lmao you go on a huge rant on discord DMs about 4chan is a bunch of awful neo nazis then you end up coming crawling back to advertise your shitty new site on a dead board where no one is gonna remember you >> [_] Yuji Sakai !!t10KJynxm+H 3348601 >># >># but hey, at least we both got dubs (LOLE!!!!!!!!) >> [_] Anon 3348602 kys tripfag >> [_] Anon 3348604 Didn't you make browniepants >> [_] Anon 3348613 >># >># >># kys discordfags >> [_] Anon 3348614 hey can i get an invite to the discord, i made a flash once >> [_] Anon 3348616 >discord >> [_] Anon 3348659 this works better as the jojo clip >> [_] Anon 3348662 >># >># Who are you people and why are you relevant? >> [_] Anon 3348668 >># >Xenon so you're that dude who made old flashes with lots of screaming? Funny shit, although old. >> [_] Anon 3348670 >># Are you the dude who made Mario_Kart_2_v30? >> [_] Anon 3348675 >># OH SHIT HERE COME DAT BOI WASS UP >># If you don't know Anon D, Synonymous, Xenon and NCH, you don't belong on this board honestly. >> [_] Anon 3348676 THE ADVENTURES OF XENON >> [_] Anon 3348680 >circlejerking oldfag discord users NAH >> [_] Anon 3348681 >># check some of the /f/ archives with his trip, he posted an invite before and it probably still works >># he's made some more recent ones starting in 2015 iirc >> [_] Yuji Sakai !!t10KJynxm+H 3348682 >># i hosted xenon's shit for years, i know exactly who he is >> [_] Anon 3348685 ayyyyyy >> [_] Anon 3348686 >># >faggots who hasn't been on in >5 years. Why should I care? >> [_] Yuji Sakai !!t10KJynxm+H 3348687 >># it's the opposite of a circlejerk, i love 4chan, he hates 4chan, he needs to stop advertising on this board lmao we reconnected briefly after a fallout several years ago and in the time that passed since we last spoke he turned into a full throttle SJW and is real hellbent on becoming an e-celeb again whereas i'm in happy retirement on [s4s] |