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11-pastebin_ZAUhVRec-Unscrupulou s_South_Koreans_who_nastily_force _the_same_race_to_commit_suicid.s wf
2,75 MiB, 01:40 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/8 -2018 14:06:26 Ended: 14/8 -2018 17:04:40Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
/ > /swf/ > Thread 13624 Age: 0.13d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2
>> Hong Sang-hee ( 61551 Bottoms of Korean’s heart are so viciousness just like mean face "An unscrupulous Korean mindset revealed in a mean comment. Koreans forced other Koreans to commit suicide by comment because the same race is negligible. Reflecting their worldview, the malicious comments of Koreans are an international embarrassment. The bottoms of the Korean’s heart are so viciousness just like their mean faces. Heavenly Father, I will sacrifice my soul when this malicious person dies painfully. Heavenly Father, if this evil person painfully dies in a bad way, I will devote my soul." Panorama Link: d=1KB_qzd60oiMWq4CGQRdTP0AyTlmYZVtn Vicious Troll PDF Link: d=1kBWYyvKPUnfD_GQ_zugWNty_5s7ZCZV_ Vicious Troll Capture Folder: h8iQQKawDjBjgx-7URP1PKf9oJRcxaLA?usp=shar ing Facebook Twitter Troller List: Uw5sVC-3Nl_3j3ioxRig9NjUm9yIB82J-ra5kAhbg pk/edit?usp=sharing Youtube Link: 비열한 댓글에서 드러나는 악랄한 한국인의 사고 방식. 동족은 만만하니까 댓글로 자살을 강요하는 한국인 악플러들. 한국인의 악성 댓글은 그들의 세계관을 반영하기에 국제적인 망신입니다. 한국인의 속마음, 역시 한국인은 비열한 얼굴 생김새답게 악랄하군요. 하나님 아버지, 이 악질적인 자가 고통스럽게 죽게 되면 제 영혼을 바치겠습니다. 하나님아버지,이악질적인자가처절히고통스럽게숨막혀죽어가게된다면저의영혼을바치겠 나이다. Korean Troll ID List: 최준혁 프로필 | Facebook, 한민규 프로필 | Facebook, Jihoon Kwak 프로필 | Facebook, 김세인 프로필 | Facebook, 전석희 프로필 | Facebook, 이요섭 프로필 | Facebook, 양용식 프로필 | Facebook, 황영훈 프로필 | Facebook, 김나영 프로필 | Facebook, 박예진 프로필 | Facebook, 민규 프로필 | Facebook, 유진우 프로필 | Facebook, 이수용 프로필 | Facebook, 이준희 프로필 | Facebook, Lee Sang Jun 프로필 | Facebook, 정수용 프로필 | Facebook, Hwa Jin Lee 프로필 | Facebook, 문경진 프로필 | Facebook, 김인수 프로필 | Facebook, 이진형 프로필 | Facebook, (@LimTHoo_1210) | Twitter, (@jjeom_d) | Twitter, (@Crimson_Witch_) | Twitter, (@_rely_on) | Twitter, (@alopr900) | Twitter, (@Blanca_theLamb) | Twitter, (@viennayh) | Twitter, (@takurespect1) | Twitter, (@h77555) | Twitter, (@jaybulla) | Twitter, (@not_beall) | Twitter, (@meta_OZZY) | Twitter, (@saen19268) | Twitter, (@EatBread_) | Twitter, (@tgandhy8) | Twitter, (@_SUBUN_) | Twitter, (@alexandria_jw) | Twitter, (@i_am_tifftato) | Twitter, (@conigio97) | Twitter, (@ths02130) | Twitter, (@smk7166) | Twitter, (@25ki01mi1ko12) | Twitter, (@hsw37) | Twitter, (@hwyang27) | Twitter, (@palogaloo) | Twitter, (@ongtti073) | Twitter, (@sabramam) | Twitter, (@eisha_rainise) | Twitter, (@ldk209) | Twitter, (@If_you_smile_) | Twitter, (@sweat_pokari) | Twitter, (@man_deuk2) | Twitter, (@sangseek_kim) | Twitter, (@qorwhite7) | Twitter, (@_side_dish) | Twitter, (@applesecond2) | Twitter, (@hyperecipy) | Twitter, (@sjr0114) | Twitter, (@runebjjb) | Twitter, (@Manju_Kun_) | Twitter, (@kimgiup92) | Twitter, (@SisterDee0) | Twitter, (@80s_shop_boy) | Twitter, (@francesco_js) | Twitter, (@retrospector00) | Twitter, (@qpqp35) | Twitter, (@candish98) | Twitter, (@zombiuk89) | Twitter, (@joungjule) | Twitter, (@Hangule7) | Twitter, (@deadfish_p) | Twitter, (@GETMYDREAM) | Twitter, (@jonjonjonjohnny) | Twitter, (@rememberme1028) | Twitter, (@nondisclosure_) | Twitter, (@gustn3381) | Twitter, (@JungPring) | Twitter, (@QwertyMob) | Twitter, (@_bazzang) | Twitter, (@hen_yang) | Twitter, (@zlzlz12) | Twitter, (@ChunsamLee) | Twitter, (@_zone_26) | Twitter, (@Scarlet_Stinger) | Twitter, (@4rsHa9e) | Twitter, (@Arsenic_B) | Twitter, (@PAERA_good) | Twitter, (@demical) | Twitter, (@_LeaFee) | Twitter, (@qltp1128) | Twitter, (@950925_6074_) | Twitter, (@one_peas_) | Twitter, (@Mad_bamboo) | Twitter, (@undersinglesky) | Twitter, (@zapgock) | Twitter, (@Behemoth2358) | Twitter, (@atchyrism) | Twitter, (@9iraff) | Twitter, (@cloverhwans) | Twitter, (@wikitree) | Twitter Korean Troll ID List: Choi, Junhyuk Profile | Facebook, Han Min Kyu Profile | Facebook, Jihoon Kwak Profile | Facebook, Kim Se-in Profile | Facebook, Jeon Seok Hee Profile | Facebook, Yiyoboshi Profile | Facebook, Yang Yong Sik Profile | Facebook, Hwang Young-hoon Profile | Facebook, Kim Na Young Profile | Facebook, Park Ye Jin profile | Facebook, Min Kyu Profile | Facebook, Yoo Jin-woo Profile | Facebook, Lee Soo Yong Profile | Facebook, Lee Jun-hee Profile | Facebook, Lee Sang Jun Profile | Facebook, water purification profiles | Facebook, Hwa Jin Lee Profile | Facebook, Mun Kyung Jin Profile | Facebook, Kim Insoo Profile | Facebook | Facebook, (@ LimTHoo_1210) | Twitter, (@jjeom_d) | Twitter, @Crimson_Witch_ | Twitter, (@_rely_on) | Twitter, (@ alopr900) | Twitter, @Blanca_theLamb | Twitter, @viennayh | Twitter, (@ takurespect1) | Twitter, (@ h77555) | Twitter, (@jaybulla) | Twitter, (@not_beall) | Twitter, (@meta_OZZY) | Twitter, (@ saen19268) | Twitter, (@EatBread_) | Twitter, (@ tgandhy8) | Twitter, (@_SUBUN_) | Twitter, (@alexandria_jw) | Twitter, (@i_am_tifftato) | Twitter, (@ conigio97) | Twitter, (@ ths02130) | Twitter, (@ smk7166) | Twitter, (@ 25ki01mi1ko12) | Twitter, (@ hsw37) | Twitter, (@ hwyang27) | Twitter, (@palogaloo) | Twitter, (@ ongtti073) | Twitter, (@sabramam) | Twitter, (@ eisha_rainise) | Twitter, (@ ldk209) | Twitter, (@If_you_smile_) | Twitter, (@ sweat_pokari) | Twitter, (@ man_deuk2) | Twitter, (@sangseek_kim) | Twitter, (@ qorwhite7) | Twitter, (@_side_dish) | Twitter, (@ applesecond2) | Twitter, (@hyperecipy) | Twitter, (@ sjr0114) | Twitter, (@runebjjb) | Twitter, (@Manju_Kun_) | Twitter, (@ kimgiup92) | Twitter, (@ SisterDee0) | Twitter, (@ 80s_shop_boy) | Twitter, (@francesco_js) | Twitter, (@ retrospector00) | Twitter, (@ qpqp35) | Twitter, (@ candish98) | Twitter, (@ zombiuk89) | Twitter, (@joungjule) | Twitter, (@ Hangule7) | Twitter, (@deadfish_p) | Twitter, @GETMYDREAM | Twitter, (@jonjonjonjohnny) | Twitter, (@ rememberme1028) | Twitter, (@nondisclosure_) | Twitter, (@ gustn3381) | Twitter, @JungPring | Twitter, (@QwertyMob) | Twitter, (@_bazzang) | Twitter, (@hen_yang) | Twitter, (@ zlzlz12) | Twitter, @ChunsamLee | Twitter, (@ _zone_26) | Twitter, (@Scarlet_Stinger) | Twitter, (@ 4rsHa9e) | Twitter, (@Arsenic_B) | Twitter, (@PAERA_good) | Twitter, (@demical) | Twitter, (@_LeaFee) | Twitter, (@ qltp1128) | Twitter, (@ 950925_6074_) | Twitter, (@one_peas_) | Twitter, (@Mad_bamboo) | Twitter, @undersinglesky | Twitter, @zapgock | Twitter, (@ Behemoth2358) | Twitter, (@atchyrism) | Twitter, (@ 9iraff) | Twitter, @cloverhwans | Twitter, (@wikitree) | Twitter [IMG] 11-pastebin_ZAUhVRec-Unscrupulous_South_ Koreans_who...swf (2.75 MiB) 300x400, Uncompressed. 100 frames, 1 fps (01:40). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: Yes. [find in archive]
Created: 7/8 -2018 14:12:09 Last modified: 14/8 -2018 17:08:16 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:16:23