File: PIGTAIL TOUCH!! [moyasix].swf-(7.51 MB, 1000x800, Hentai)
[_] Is completing this worth it? You decide. Anonymous 05/15/20(Fri)19:28:19 No.3428492
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/20(Fri)19:47:54 No.3428494
voice acting makes me want to sharpen some pencils, then stab my ear drums with them.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/20(Fri)21:07:01 No.3428500
was not worth
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)00:55:50 No.3428527
I beat my record by cheating faster than I did last time so yes. Woulda been nice if there were
more scenes for all that trouble.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)05:37:02 No.3428540
how did you cheat
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)09:55:50 No.3428549
not that anon but during the last few segments i would give each circle a number - usually going
anti-clockwise - and open up notepad. when they start lighting up, i write the numbers down and
select them right after.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)11:57:04 No.3428563
yeah I thought something like this is really the only way to do this without actual cheats
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)14:05:56 No.3428574
Also not that anon but I had a MS paint window open at the same time where I drew the
combinations as they happened with a tablet
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)14:45:40 No.3428579
Or, you could not be plebs and use a screen capture software to just film your screen and then
watch the combination at half speed.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)15:42:49 No.3428580
lmao I opened notepad and corresponded a number for each area (1-6) and wrote them down in order
they appeared. Glad I'm not the only autist
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)16:22:34 No.3428591
Why is Ranma so fat?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/20(Sat)20:43:43 No.3428597
I'm not THAT retarded, my friend