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This is resource FC9DROE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/1 -2020 17:52:35

Ended:8/1 -2020 21:05:39

Checked:8/1 -2020 23:15:28

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: When your all dressed up but your favorite song come on.swf-(6.6 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] >>3414213 Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)11:48:35 No.3414244

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)12:01:03 No.3414247

  >when x
  Lurk 10 years before posting.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)12:32:27 No.3414249

  fucking green carpet and wood paneling with a single high-up window
  wasted so many years of my life in a room that looks just like that

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)12:45:46 No.3414251

  so it's basically a basement?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)12:52:02 No.3414252

  his shoes are extremely pointy

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)13:02:32 No.3414255

  not just basically a basement
  it WAS a basement!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)14:22:27 No.3414263

  >old catgroove
  >that reddit tier filename
  >writes reply in title and not comment
  looks like we got us a Y I K E S here

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)19:32:27 No.3414288

  >those wrist blocks and circular movements
  >flawless stance shifting

  I wonder if this guy studied Kung Fu

>> [_] Anonymous 01/07/20(Tue)22:55:39 No.3414301

  I feel bad for you dude, even if this is bait.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/08/20(Wed)01:32:15 No.3414319

  >When you put the bible in the fiction section.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/08/20(Wed)03:22:16 No.3414324

  I'm so glad his smooth moves are captured in the highest, buttery smooth, fps possible

>> [_] Anonymous 01/08/20(Wed)07:49:41 No.3414332


  (((tipping intensifies)))

>> [_] Anonymous 01/08/20(Wed)09:02:23 No.3414336

  >I wonder if this guy studied Kung Fu
  He studied the blade, while you were partying.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/08/20(Wed)14:58:33 No.3414351

  i remember he claimed it was fully improvised on youtube, wonder if it was true

>> [_] Anonymous 01/08/20(Wed)15:02:57 No.3414353

  Dont post again with titles like this pls
Created: 7/1 -2020 17:52:35 Last modified: 8/1 -2020 23:15:35 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:53:46