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This is resource G8I4L5V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/5 -2020 19:08:11

Ended:29/12 -2020 06:15:44

Checked:29/12 -2020 06:27:16

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28.
Discovered flash files: 1


/ > /fap/ > Thread 18977

Age: 216.46d   Health: 0%   Posters: 21   Posts: 28   Replies: 25   Files: 1+2

>> I Dislike Melanin !odlBXA9FB2 19may2020(tu)18:56 No.77192 OP P1

White Rurina From Pokemon

Developed by Dong134

[IMG] runwhite.swf (549.9 KiB)
480x800, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 40 fps (00:00).
Ver41, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 19may2020(tu)20:36 No.77195 A P2R1

she looks so strange in this skin

>> I Dislike Melanin !odlBXA9FB2 19may2020(tu)22:32 No.77199 OP P3R2

That's cuz the skin wasn't meant for her. There's another brown-haired white chick with the dumb
fucking cap in the data files.

>> Anonymous 20may2020(we)13:44 No.77208 B P4R3

oh hell yea

>> Anonymous 23may2020(sa)08:09 No.77244 C P5R4

Did they miss the ears?

>> Anonymous 23may2020(sa)14:03 No.77246 D P6R5

Ew. Now she's less attractive.

>> Anonymous 23may2020(sa)22:06 No.77249 E P7R6

No brownies allowed.

>> Anonymous 24may2020(su)00:53 No.77250 F P8R7

You prefer cupcakes instead?

>> Anonymous 25may2020(mo)22:03 No.77275 G P9R8

rent free

>> Anonymous 26may2020(tu)00:56 No.77280 H P10R9

Why do these whitening attempts always make characters look so ghostly pale? Not all whites look
like they came from Ireland. At the most, she just looks like an Albino African.

>> Anonymous 26may2020(tu)08:33 No.77284 I P11R10

elaborate on this capped trainer?

>> Anonymous 29jun2020(mo)08:24 No.77957 J P12R11

Probably Gloria/Fem Protag, most likely. Don't thing there's anyone else with a cap

>> Anonymous 29jun2020(mo)08:25 No.77958 J P13

Actually, I stand corrected. It's Rosalie? or whoever the Fem Protag of Black/White 2 was.

>> Anonymous 29jun2020(mo)20:10 No.77965 K P14R12

B/W2 fem protag was Rosa (Mei).

>> Nick Gurs 4jul2020(sa)03:26 No.78014 L P15R13

Needs to de-niggerfy the male

who wants to see Niggercock on display?

>> Anonymous 4jul2020(sa)07:04 No.78015 M P16R14


Yeah, but that turns it into incest

>> Anonymous 17aug2020(mo)21:56 No.78770 N P17R15

I was uncomfortable with raping the black girl but this is so much better, should have changed the
hair to blonde or brown too but all of these palette swaps have been pretty lazy so far

>> Anonymous 17aug2020(mo)23:06 No.78773 O P18R16

fucking ruined

>> Anonymous 18aug2020(tu)05:42 No.78779 P P19R17

Now replace the nigger dick.

>> Anonymous 18aug2020(tu)06:09 No.78782 Q P20R18

>she just looks like an Albino African.
Wut? She's an anime girl, she can't have black traits.

>> Anonymous 18aug2020(tu)08:12 No.78785 R P21R19

click on the man you absolute walnut

>> Anonymous 19aug2020(we)02:39 No.78789 S P22R20

She looks like a fucking corpse that decayed for a week, then was de-bloated and reanimated.

>> Anonymous 19aug2020(we)12:09 No.78794 K P23R21

Stop! My penis can only get so errect.

>> Anonymous 19aug2020(we)16:18 No.78797 S P24R22


If you still have an erection after 4 hours, you should call your doctor now and seek medical

>> Anonymous 19aug2020(we)17:58 No.78799 H P25R23

These edits never make them look white in an attractive way. If you're gonna make a character
white, at least make it look less pork white or go the extra mile to give them caucasoid features
too, otherwise they just look like they're suffering from albinism.

>> Anonymous 19aug2020(we)18:00 No.78800 H P26

Oh wait, I already made a reply like this in here. The thread has been up for this long?

>> Anonymous 20aug2020(th)20:38 No.78818 K P27R24

it has been up since 19may2020(tu)18:56, as you can see
threads on swfchan are likely to survive years,
and with the whole MUH NIGGER DICKS meme, they sometimes even get necrobumped after a month of
silence or two

>> Anonymous 25aug2020(tu)08:47 No.78916 T P28R25

Why is everybody complaining about the guy? Click on the guy to change pigmentation, duh. Also
note, if you click on the heart after the guy finishes inside her, she'll have cum over her belly.
Again, and it's a facial in addition to the belly. Nothing further of note as far as I can tell.
Created: 19/5 -2020 19:08:11 Last modified: 29/12 -2020 06:28:57 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:38:44