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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Blink.swf-(180 KB, 2880x1620, Loop) [_] I need help with audio in flash ta-kun 11/22/19(Fri)10:28:40 No.3409440 I've seen people complain about both my own flashes' audio sizes and others. I'm not sure what settings I need to execute to make it work. I don't want to compress my audio. I'd rather my flashes be a few mbs, but I am clearly doing something wrong when a 3 mb soundclip turns out a 40 mb flash. Please help What setting should I use? what settings do you usually use? Thanks >> [_] Marty Chang 11/22/19(Fri)10:47:43 No.3409441 >>3409440 drag and drop or import your wav into the library right click on the wav file in the library click on properties select MP3 as compression uncheck convert stereo to mono chose highest bitrate (160kbps) chose best quality hit OK and you're done it's elementary >> [_] ta-kun 11/22/19(Fri)11:01:27 No.3409442 >>3409441 >drag wav I have mp3s for everything, Should I convert the file type to wav or if it's already mp3 just leave it at that? Is there also a reason why I should go for mono and not stereo? Wouldn't it be a waste to remove it? Most people have headphones or some device that can hear it. Thank you very much for answering. >> [_] listen to marty chang 11/22/19(Fri)11:09:38 No.3409443 I'm not marty chang wav or mp3 wont make a difference; his argument still stands; >set the SOUND_FILE bitrate to 160, >choose highest bitrate >choose bet quality >hit OK. mono sounds worse than stereo desu but importing into flash sets all files to mono iirc >> [_] Anonymous 11/22/19(Fri)11:12:32 No.3409445 >>3409442 If you're doing an audio loop, editing it in WAV is better. When you encode the MP3 using LAME it adds a brief gap to the beginning of the file and ruins the loop. Importing the WAV into Flash and letting Flash do the conversion to MP3 makes for a seamless loop. >Is there also a reason why I should go for mono and not stereo? Read his instructions more carefully, he says UNCHECK "Convert stereo to mono". Otherwise Flash will make it mono automatically, it's just another way to limit filesize. >> [_] Marty Chang 11/22/19(Fri)11:29:45 No.3409447 >>3409442 also make sure to convert the wavs at 44.1 kHz frequency because flash tends to slow down or speed up the audio depending on if it's at higher or lower kHz than that >> [_] ta-kun 11/22/19(Fri)15:04:35 No.3409461 >>3409443 >>3409445 >>3409447 I don't use audacity or edit audio ( as of now) but I'll take note that lame does that. Your'e right I misread. He said to uncheck it. I will note this for when I use wavs. Thanks |