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This is resource JGKI1S9, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/1 -2020 19:07:31

Ended:17/1 -2020 12:42:18

Checked:17/1 -2020 13:47:28

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Trumpular.swf-(10 MB, 640x360, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)13:03:29 No.3415173

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)13:59:39 No.3415179

  i love Trump. i approve this flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)14:12:53 No.3415181

  check out Pogo's other videos, not Trump related but nice music mashups like this one

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)14:53:53 No.3415190

  >check out Pogo's other videos,
  his youtube channel's been hacked and all of his videos deleted. Just checked and it was deleted
  after being a etherium scam livestream for the last three days. Sad!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)15:16:12 No.3415193

  his account was hacked yesterday and the videos are not there anymore, only some stream about

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)15:58:33 No.3415195

  >i love Trump.
  How embarrassing.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)16:24:09 No.3415197

  >Traitor posting on /f/
  What did the traitor do today to have a /pol/ppet come here shitpost?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)16:35:19 No.3415198

  Trump is going to win so God damned hard this fall. The left got nobody interesting, they aren't
  united about anything and make no effort in winning over Trump voters.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)16:47:24 No.3415201

  not to mention all the wins he's had, people are making more money, the market is booming,
  unemployment VERY low.

  Barack will tell you it's all because of the work he did. LMAO GTFO

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)17:33:08 No.3415223

  Biden and Bernie could both beat Trump. They have equal appeal in the areas he flipped, way more
  than Clinton did for sure, and quality of life has not improved in those areas by any measure
  since his election. A strong economy only matters when average people feel the benefits, and they
  currently do not. Bernie has equal rural and lower class appeal, and Biden can basically play
  "I'm rubber you're glue" for anything Trump throws at him.
  Warren would get fucking clobbered but she's not going to win the nomination.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)18:13:58 No.3415230

  Creepy Joe Biden that sniffs little girls and literally has had his teeth fall out during debate?
  Between his eye bleeding and him forgetting what he was saying 1 minute ago Trump would consume
  him alive on stage.

  Bernie is not one of the desirable from the Ivory Tower Elite and will not go up against Trump.
  He's an outsider, he was stiffed in 2016 and will be again this year. Besides, Bernie is in the
  middle of a current Project Veritas scandal, not to mention the whole Elizabeth Warren claim
  thing going on between them right now (she claims Bernie was mean to her before and said that
  women can't be president). The left are consuming themselves and like I say they aren't united
  about anything and change their mind about stuff every 15 minutes (medicare for non-citizens
  won't be popular outside of twitter).

  PLUS Trump got his wall, just an invisible one. While he tweets nonsense and distracts the media
  Trump has passed a bunch of laws that makes it much harder to get into USA, both legally and
  illegally. He did get his wall, people just can't see it. Rest assured he'll make everybody aware
  of it on the campaign trail though.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)18:42:07 No.3415235

  And that's different from the guy who has had multiple sex scandals, slurs his words, and rarely
  knows what he's talking about how?
  Trump demolishes most politicians because they spend every minute worried about going off brand,
  but both Biden and Trump are immune to that because they don't give a shit. No scandal will stick
  to either of them because no one really cares.

  >Bernie is in the middle of a current Project Veritas scandal
  lol dang it's really going to hurt him when all of the people who think Project Veritas matters
  and aren't already hardcore Trump supporters find out. He'll lose three whole votes!
  Unity doesn't matter. Do you think the right was unified in any fucking degree in January of
  2016? Fuck no. I know you were all of 12 at the time, but trust me, there was far less unity than
  they have now.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)21:10:53 No.3415248

  calm down /leftypol/...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/20(Thu)21:12:32 No.3415249

  Bernie got rekt by fucking Cruz of all people. he's getting fucked by the dems again right now.
  who cares about him

  Biden will look "different" but he's not gonna have a lot to show other than he's an old man and
  likes corn pops

>> [_] Anonymous 01/17/20(Fri)00:44:38 No.3415259

  Someone gets it :^)

>> [_] Anonymous 01/17/20(Fri)00:50:28 No.3415260

  (me again)
  WTF who would even hack Pogo??
  that's one of like 6 channels I follow.
  I've had password harvesting hackers steal my account on other services, it sux.

  LOL: I had my Yahoo email account hacked... the haxxorz scraped my contacts, and sent Fake Viagra
  ads to everyone (including my mother!)
  Mom emails me, tells me I should be more careful who I send what... I had a hell of a time
  explaining the hack, but we all had a good laugh afterwards :)

>> [_] Anonymous 01/17/20(Fri)05:29:23 No.3415268

  >And that's different from the guy who has had multiple sex scandals, slurs his words, and rarely
  knows what he's talking about how?
  I can't explain it but Trump got "it". Biden doesn't.

  >He'll lose three whole votes!
  Brush it off if you want to but it matters more than you think when Bernie has someone on his
  staff talking about sending people to gulags and Bernie just ignores it. Sure Trump also have had
  staff problems but he deals with it, condemns it and distance himself from it. Meanwhile Bernie
  brushes it under the rug on the several occasions his people have said something strange and he
  hires people like Linda Sarsour who clearly hates the jews, even though Bernie himself is jewish.
  Really strange.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/17/20(Fri)05:56:01 No.3415272

  >Project Veritas scandal
  So this means Bernie is going to be some more money after he successfully sues them for slander
  given that's their MO.
  Good for Bernie.
Created: 16/1 -2020 19:07:31 Last modified: 17/1 -2020 13:47:32 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:17:41