File: coomerspin_perfect_loop.swf-(6.77 MB, 900x675, Other)
[_] COOM Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)03:49:07 No.3424074
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)04:03:59 No.3424078
stare not for too long or you will become a gay coomer (the second worst kind of coomer after
trans coomer)
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)04:06:21 No.3424080
What happens when I've been cooming to this for hours?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)04:19:52 No.3424083
you do a full loop and become straight again
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)06:31:56 No.3424090
>rage faces
>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)14:26:45 No.3424143
/fit/ shouldn't be allowed to meme again