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This is resource K2BLZXN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/3 -2020 07:11:55

Ended:17/3 -2020 15:20:25

Checked:17/3 -2020 17:40:14

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: little witch dance.swf-(3.15 MB, 431x242, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 03/16/20(Mon)02:08:36 No.3421613

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] ta-kun 03/16/20(Mon)08:34:05 No.3421626

  This is really nice
  I haven't seen this one before

>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/20(Mon)21:25:03 No.3421683

  according to the archives its been posted 24 times. the most recent was 2017 though, so it's been
  gone for minute.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/20(Tue)02:10:15 No.3421722

  I've never understood how people can like little witch academy but hate ponies, cause they give
  off the exact same vibes tbqh

>> [_] ta-kun 03/17/20(Tue)02:23:50 No.3421723

  That explains it. I'm a 2018 newfren.
  There are similarities but that's a real stretch to call it the exact same vibe. That would be
  like saying the madness series has the same vibe as akira. While I actually like the madness
  series there's nothing redeeming about mlp. I tried to give episode 1 a watch one time to make
  sure I'm not just excluding it out of groupthink. It was irredeemably bad. I don't see a reason
  why you'd watch this show unless you are a little girl or want to bang the ponies.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/20(Tue)02:29:35 No.3421724

  the first two episodes are indeed shit I will give you that.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/20(Tue)03:02:35 No.3421727

  I remember seeing this years ago and rushing to find any porn of this girl. There's some, but I
  was highly disappointed in the quantity and quality.

  I should check to see if we have added as time has passed since.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/20(Tue)08:38:49 No.3421736

  LWA in general has very disappointing hentai.
  That DiAkko doujin is top-tier, though.
  >No pubes!

>> [_] ta-kun 03/17/20(Tue)10:19:42 No.3421740

  the characters are cute so I enjoy the porn as fanart even though most of it is completely
  unfabbale to.
  XXX is very good
  and so is yoh's smut painting of the diana and akko
Created: 16/3 -2020 07:11:55 Last modified: 17/3 -2020 17:40:24 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:04:06