File: 4chan F Janitor.swf-(906 KB, 350x360, Game)
[_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)03:07:45 No.3415792
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)06:08:22 No.3415810
You can constantly pause and unpause the game if you need more time to find a match because the
screen does a fade instead of instant blackout
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)16:11:58 No.3415854
23,500 points without the pause exploit first try smack my nuts and beat my score
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)19:39:44 No.3415878
>do it for free
No way,fag
>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)21:05:33 No.3415886
26,370 no exploit
Though God is this a pain in the ass with three of the pieces being the same color and a forth
being close.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/20(Thu)12:49:01 No.3415966
I gave up at level 5
>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/20(Thu)13:02:32 No.3415967
>zeitgeist spam
man that takes me back
how can this gem of a game only have been posted twice? last time 7.5 years ago?