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This is resource PQBM3DA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/6 -2020 14:43:57

Ended:12/6 -2020 04:13:07

Checked:12/6 -2020 22:35:08

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Fourier_series.swf-(820 KB, 600x300, Loop)
[_] captivating Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)08:43:16 No.3430871


>> [_] Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)20:21:32 No.3430904

  I wish I was smart enough to understand the math behind this but holy shit calculus so very dry
  and I'm so very dumb

>> [_] Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)20:39:00 No.3430907

  Electrical engineering anon here. Fourier transforms and similar transforms are our bread and
  butter, especially if you do digital signal processing. However, even I don't know as much about
  them as I'd like. To really understand them, you need to study analysis from a pure math
  perspective. It's really cool stuff and not too dry once you start imagining and working with the

>> [_] Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)21:18:02 No.3430910

  They introduced us to transforms in the last class I took but I bombed calc so very little of it
  made any sense to me. I think I get the absolute basics of it but if you asked me to explain it
  there's fuck all I could put in to words.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/11/20(Thu)22:07:36 No.3430914

  tl;dr version - you can represent any signal as an infinite sum of perfect sine waves (the flash
  shows how, for example, as you add more and more sine waves of a certain form, you can get closer
  and closer to a square wave).

  A fourier transform works on this principle to decompose an arbitrary signal into a spectrum of
  frequencies and amplitudes (for example, if you do a transform on the noise in a current measured
  by a probe in a plasma, you'll see peaks at the frequencies of different plasma waves, which you
  can use to determine physical properties).
Created: 11/6 -2020 14:43:57 Last modified: 12/6 -2020 22:35:21 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:43:14