File: unbanned.swf-(596 KB, 512x470, Loop)
[_] Feels Good to be Back Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)11:40:48 No.3413993
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)12:18:48 No.3414001
What did you do to get banned?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)12:39:18 No.3414004
posted a flash I shouldn't have
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)12:55:21 No.3414006
post it again? loool
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)14:20:17 No.3414012
what is loli? those are the only flashes that I ever see get deleted.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)14:41:27 No.3414019
if that is true, then I am sad about the state of /f/
please let the stupid loli purge out of /f/
loli has always been just as much a part of this board as many others
unironically banning for just some loli flash content is bad etiquette
actual CP, sure, but not like a MoeMoe flash
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)15:40:58 No.3414032
it was several months ago, some loli/tentacle thing. It's the only Flash that I've seen get
manually deleted by the mods. Other than that I can't think of what a bannable offense is here
aside from posting complete spam (which really is what most of /f/'s content is anyway).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)16:09:20 No.3414036
I got banned for a pony flash once
Only time I ever saw a flash deleted firsthand. I saved it from the archive and the thread wasn't
deleted on the archive, so I didn't think that rule was enforced on here. Come to think of it,
I've seen that gangnam style pony video posted numerous times and not get deleted.
I guess I just have bad luck
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)16:17:16 No.3414037
Post the md5 for that flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)16:17:59 No.3414038
Yeah, sometimes rule-breaking flashes like no Yotsuba porn get caught and sometimes they don't.