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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 18942 Age: 132d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 13 Replies: 11 Files: 1+3 >> aasa 14may2020(th)04:11 No.77104 OP P1 Creambee_-_BTSv3-6.swf Interactive doggy [IMG] Creambee-BTSv3-6.swf (5.56 MiB) 640x800, Compressed (Deflate). 22 frames, 31.25 fps (00:01). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anonymous 14may2020(th)07:06 No.77107 A P2R1 Gotta love how even literally on Flashes brink of death, new content is still made or updated. >> Anonymous 14may2020(th)20:17 No.77114 B P3R2 >>77107 I'll drink to that! >> Anonymous 15may2020(fr)07:10 No.77122 C P4R3 >>77107 its almost like flash has always been on the verge of dying for years but people continue to not offer an actual alternative to replace it. Sure html is better for things like video players and such but flash as a platform continues to be a decent choice for smaller projects despite how limited it is >> Anonymous 15may2020(fr)13:58 No.77129 D P5R4 >>77122 true, but taking away official support will still scare a lot of less-capable PC users away, because OMG WHAT APOUT SECURITEE? no end user is (besides us) is going to go through hoops if it means he can't just use his browser to play flash anymore and developing for that demographic won't pay the bills, so people will definitely stop producing flash content to some degree, maybe releasing animations as mp4 and swf tops. >> Anonymous 15may2020(fr)17:02 No.77132 E P6R5 >>77107 end of support does not equal death. why do you kids keep saying it? >> Anonymous 16may2020(sa)06:42 No.77138 F P7R6 >>77132 They're not old enough to have seen official support for something cease and then continue to exist via fan support. >> Anonymous 16may2020(sa)19:00 No.77142 D P8R7 >>77138 well, it happens a lot less these days with that much more stuff in general and also companies sueing the absolute fuck out of anyone infringing their rights, even if they don't care about the product anymore >> Anonymous 17may2020(su)20:40 No.77151 G P9R8 what does the bar in missionary do? >> Anonymous 18may2020(mo)09:40 No.77176 H P10R9 >>77151 it's her cum gauge. You click the hand/peach button during the applicable scenes, things slow down, then you can click (and hold) on her pussy, and move around to fill the bar, and make her cum. >> Anonymous 22may2020(fr)19:46 No.77236 I P11R10 You can actually bang her from behind, click the fuck buttons when she twerks >> Anonymous 22may2020(fr)19:47 No.77237 I P12 and some other positions depending on her current dancemove >> Anonymous 23may2020(sa)14:11 No.77247 J P13R11 When will there be the Risky Boots version? |