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This is resource SUOK100, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:9/5 -2020 08:05:57

Ended:20/9 -2020 08:03:17

Checked:20/9 -2020 08:10:44

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 18923

Age: 126.99d   Health: 0%   Posters: 10   Posts: 10   Replies: 9   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 9may2020(sa)08:02 No.77038 OP P1

mrpinku Zibeta

mrpinku game

[IMG] 661357_MrPinkuZIBeta4.swf (4.55 MiB)
550x400, Compressed (Deflate). 4127 frames, 24 fps (02:52).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 9may2020(sa)11:37 No.77040 A P2R1

hey is this guy

>> Anonymous 9may2020(sa)13:12 No.77042 B P3R2

dang it i got so hooked, too bad its not finished
I wish he implemented a password system
looking forward for the full version

>> Anonymous 10may2020(su)03:10 No.77043 C P4R3

annoying but nice. no ghost, and after you first see the swimsuit girl masturbate, there's nothing.

>> Anonymous 11may2020(mo)02:42 No.77059 D P5R4

Surprisingly hot

>> Anonymous 11may2020(mo)03:08 No.77060 E P6R5


There is a ghost, but no follow up. I believe the ghost is in a window on the top floor of a
building in uptown on Thursday. After you get it, a girl appears and tells you to find three signs.
I was unable to find them if they are in this version.

>> Anonymous 12may2020(tu)02:42 No.77072 F P7R6

I really like this guy's stuff.

>> Anonymous 12may2020(tu)03:20 No.77074 G P8R7

This guys stuff is weird. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean lets be honest... Its miles behind
a lot of the competition in both art and game-play.

BUT.... it somehow manages to be incredibly likeable? I think maybe part of it is because its
very.... nostalgic? It captures a lot of the essence of what made a GOOD H Flash back in the

You guys get what I mean? Maybe think I'm missing something?

>> Anonymous 12may2020(tu)15:20 No.77077 H P9R8

Yeah, you're missing another question mark in your post. Jk, I know what it is you are trying to
say. Even the font looks like the sites from the 90's, and not just the ones harboring old flash
games like freearcade.

>> Anonymous 12may2020(tu)17:39 No.77086 I P10R9

He does surprisingly appealing stuff, but I don't know if he even finishes anything he starts.
I've seen lots of his farm life flashes go around but never any definitive "full version".

Yeah, it's also that he portrays his women pretty innocent but still sexual. There is like an
element of play to how he portrays sex which is pretty naive but he plays it good enough not to
come across as babbys first 18+ flash.
He said himself once that he believes it's from the "girl next door" mentality of his girls. Like
hot, but not unrealisticly so and out of reach with a lot of anime content.
It's what old porn, you know actual porn, focused on before it became an industry of terribly
moaning braindead bitches getting boned by flaccid bisexual dudes. And that influenced early swf
porn like the recently posted
Created: 9/5 -2020 08:05:57 Last modified: 20/9 -2020 10:46:54 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:27:49