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This is resource U91X8GJ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/12 -2019 17:11:05

Ended:15/12 -2019 17:35:43

Checked:15/12 -2019 20:13:06

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Gravitaxis ++.swf-(5.32 MB, 650x350, Other)
[_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)11:09:50 No.3411740

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)11:22:17 No.3411742

  Any other flashes that are based on trance like this? Always loved this one.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)11:30:58 No.3411743

  I just noticed his hair being rasterized on the first scene but vectorized afterwards
  does anyone know why that is?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)14:10:07 No.3411759

  ok i followed along for a while but now i'm confused can someone explain this flash to me like
  i'm 5

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)15:02:32 No.3411760

  >artist animated shit
  >played it in reverse
  >attached his favorite trance song
  >uploaded it

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)15:13:05 No.3411762

  in normal time:
  >drug bust about to commence
  >he has his anti-gravity shoes
  >walks off the ceiling into the sky
  >lady officer skydives onto him and is reporting to HQ
  >he slips that drug into her eye while she's distracted
  >he escaped, but he knows he will die (in the flash, he frowns and then smiles, meaning he was
  smiling but then frowned in real time)
  >reaches space, presumed the anti gravity shoes no longer work because there's no gravity for it
  to work against
  >finds orbit on neighboring planet
  >passes the locals on the way down
  >going so fast that the antigravity shoes aren't strong enough to save him
  >timeline stops as he closes his eyes right before impact

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)15:32:47 No.3411763

  >>finds orbit on neighboring planet
  it's supposed to be a hollow planet, so he "flies" on the opposite side, that's why the
  atmosphere is curved outward
  in the credit scene you can see in the book a few pictures of the hollow world

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)18:53:29 No.3411781

  Interesting catch. Flash animators once rasterized stuff for blurs and glow effects, but that
  scene doesn't do anything like that -- ironically the scene right after uses a vector blur. It is
  a mystery. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/19(Sat)18:56:30 No.3411782

  It's not actually just reversed, if you actually look at the files the animations won't play
  properly if you simply reverse it. It was animated this way originally.

  Here's the story in forward time. The music works both ways.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/19(Sun)01:36:06 No.3411822

  Pretty good for having animated it in reverse in the first place.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/15/19(Sun)04:39:30 No.3411833

  I've assumed that the police officer is what fucked up his trajectory onto that ship, and that
  was his escape vessel
Created: 14/12 -2019 17:11:05 Last modified: 15/12 -2019 20:13:12 Server time: 05/11 -2024 09:25:33