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This is resource UDE94O3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/1 -2020 20:14:46

Ended:23/1 -2020 00:14:48

Checked:23/1 -2020 03:18:21

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: hatten.swf-(1.05 MB, 400x300, Hentai)
[_] [A][T] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)14:13:07 No.3415710


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)14:29:48 No.3415711


>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)18:13:59 No.3415730

  en hatt
  en speciell hatt

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)19:03:39 No.3415735

  I unironically like this song, even found the full version somewhere

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)20:36:30 No.3415748

  Post it, if you're so great

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)21:31:57 No.3415756

  vinna kinki roooo-ooli-iiigt

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)21:58:37 No.3415759

  not him, but:

>> [_] Anonymous 01/21/20(Tue)23:20:22 No.3415771

  >no one ever thought of making a touhou edit of this

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)00:41:55 No.3415780

  based hatten poster

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)12:30:54 No.3415829

  The grandaddy of all animutation.

  always check your links before regurgitating them from old archived posts.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)15:08:49 No.3415843

  nah, that link was fresh, they deleted the youtube account since i posted. anyways, the song is
  called meen ma konty - azar habib if anybody wants to search for it

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)15:21:53 No.3415846

  you mean to tell us they just happened to purge that channel in the 17 hours since you posted
  that url?

  it's not unbelievable but the timing is a little odd, was it your channel and you just uploaded
  the video to it to be able to post in this thread?

  alphabet have been purging channels like crazy lately, so many 404 urls. so much content, gone

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)16:54:23 No.3415860

  nah not my channel, but i just looked the vid up individually.this morning, was the only channel
  which had it up. 64 views, no comments, maybe sudden traffic brought an end to it, like a
  copyright algorithm. i actually had that happen quite a few times that channels got purged right
  after i found them when looking for music or other rare footage, maybe there is some kind of
  threshold for the vids to get checked?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/22/20(Wed)17:41:35 No.3415864

  guess it makes sense for youtube to queue their algorithms to go through old videos depending on
  how recently they are visited. there's probably millions of videos with less than 100 views that
  nobody have seen in the last 5 years, as soon as somebody views them they get added to the queue.
  of course i'm just guessing

  interestingly the nude version of -8's pacman animation is still up on youtube

  i wonder for how long. it's age restricted but still.
Created: 21/1 -2020 20:14:46 Last modified: 23/1 -2020 03:22:51 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:43:38