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This is resource ZL26Q5P, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/5 -2020 16:20:09

Ended:7/10 -2020 16:41:10

Checked:7/10 -2020 16:50:35

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 18999

Age: 127.02d   Health: 0%   Posters: 11   Posts: 18   Replies: 16   Files: 2+3

>> Yusuke-K 26may2020(tu)16:16 No.77286 OP P1


I was bored

[IMG] znzci8t StaticZoom RemoveSheep.swf (3.13 MiB)
800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 25 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 26may2020(tu)17:11 No.77288 A P2R1

the best kind of bored it seems

>> Anonymous 31may2020(su)13:48 No.77365 B P3R2

Put the sheep back.

>> Anonymous 31may2020(su)21:24 No.77374 C P4R3

Wish minus kept her bodytype from the original animation

>> Anonymous 1jun2020(mo)18:00 No.77376 D P5

No cumshot, no mute


>> Anonymous 2jun2020(tu)14:00 No.77382 E P6R4

why does the guy have girly eyes?

>> Anonymous 2jun2020(tu)18:58 No.77389 A P7R5

It's Minus8, what did you expect?
Someone has to edit in the [CUM] button again, just for (you).

>> Anonymous 4jun2020(th)01:33 No.77420 F P8R6


>> Anonymous 4jun2020(th)04:59 No.77423 G P9R7

Not everything has to be about cum.

>> Anonymous 4jun2020(th)20:09 No.77437 H P10R8

If you've seen the original that's what the player designed their character to look like.

>> Anonymous 4jun2020(th)21:14 No.77439 D P11R9


Endless clapping with little to no variation, lack of a mute. This can be compressed into a
animated GIF with related ease.
Unless -8 went full schizo and changed his handle, according to this is done by someone

>> Anonymous 5jun2020(fr)13:45 No.77451 A P12R10

so could an animation with cum
and no, flash is always superior to just a gif, even for a simple loop
the music is also an important part of -8 flashes, so you'd need at least a webm and that would be
at least 3 times the size of this flash

>> Anonymous 8jun2020(mo)12:21 No.77535 I P13R11

You're spewing bullshit.

>> Anonymous 8jun2020(mo)17:43 No.77547 A P14R12

it's just an edit of an actual minus8 flash with a censoring object in the foreground and lots of
camera movement as usual

and which part of my comment would have been that exactly?
>flash is always superior to just a gif
gif can't into infinitely scaling vector graphics
>the music is also an important part of -8 flashes
are you even contesting that?
> a webm and that would be at least 3 times the size of this flash
take loop: visuals 4 seconds, music 1 minute
that means you have to make the webm at least 1 minute long for the music to loop and that means
the 4 second visual loop repeats 15 times
a minute long webm is easily 10mb with a decent quality and that's more than 3x the size of this

and yes, you can make cum animations into gif as well
just include the cumshot ... and you're done!

>> Yusuke-K 13jun2020(sa)02:41 No.77637 OP P15R13

It's not that bad, no? I mean... I'm not stealing the credit from -8 or saying that I did it, not
at all. (I should have added it as data)

>> Anonymous 19aug2020(we)17:32 No.78798 J P16R14

Why is he clapping

>> Anonymous 20aug2020(th)21:37 No.78824 A P17R15



>> Anonymous 20aug2020(th)23:23 No.78827 E P18R16

ah now i get it
Created: 26/5 -2020 16:20:09 Last modified: 7/10 -2020 16:57:56 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:28:01