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This is resource ZN74XD8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/10 -2019 21:23:03
5.3 years ago.

Ended:29/10 -2019 09:49:43
5.3 years ago.

Checked:29/10 -2019 11:48:18
5.3 years ago.

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[_] Don't let your head down /f/ Anonymous 10/28/19(Mon)16:20:48 No.3406660

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/19(Mon)18:09:23 No.3406675


>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/19(Mon)20:01:07 No.3406688

  >inb4 stop blogposting faggot
  my first and only gf introduced me to this show(and anime in general). we were both 19, at the
  time i was working at a motel and her family stayed there for a month or so while their house was
  being renovated. spent way too much time pretending to clean the pool so i could hang out with
  her while on the clock. she really wanted to show me this gintama show she had been watching, so
  one day after work we walked back to mine to put it on. shit was so cash at the time, honestly
  the happiest ive ever felt in my life. sadly, like all things, it came to an end(mostly because
  3dpd are trash). we got up to ~ episode 150, and ill never be able to finish the show because it
  still hurts too much. even ops flash made me feel kinda sick for a bit to be honest

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/19(Mon)21:45:00 No.3406702

  My first gf had a gintama connection too. I had been watching Gintama since it first came out,
  was one of the few things that brought a genuine laugh out of me, and it never failed to. I tried
  to get one of my friends who lived a couple blocks away to watch it with me, he never would, but
  one time he mentioned that his girlfriend was a fan of Gintama. I never met her, all I knew was
  her name.

  Get ready for some anime cliche tier shit. Fast forward a few years, and I transfer to a new
  school. In this class I pick the back corner window seat because I feel uncomfortable with people
  sitting behind me and the courtyard looks comfy. There's a girl sitting to my right. I hear the
  name of my friend's gf being called during rollcall. The girl answers to it. I lean over all sly
  and say these exact words, "So... I heard you like Gintama." Don't remember her reaction to that,
  but we became really close friends and hung out together all the time. My friend and her had
  split up some time ago. A few months later, she's my gf.

  A year later, I'm graduated, living in an apartment. She comes to visit all the time, we watch
  the new gintama episode together every week. One night, I think she's about to leave, and tell
  her goodbye, but she stays longer. Her best friend suddenly texts me, "I hope you have condoms."
  She ends up coming onto me. I suddenly get ptsd flashbacks to when I was raped as a kid, and like
  the absolute piece of shit that I am, I told her to leave and I ended up ghosting her. Fast
  forward a few years, and I find out she now an FtM. I dodged a bullet there, but it still makes
  me sad.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/19(Mon)21:57:52 No.3406703

  wow that last paragraph took a turn for the worse, hope you are doing better anon.
  did you end up finishing gintama?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/19(Mon)22:02:08 No.3406704

  Yeah I finished it and still pick an episode or arc to rewatch every now and then. While watching
  it, it's like I forget that I'm depressed and it manages to make me feel better about
  myself--even with that memory attached.

>> [_] El Bumpo !!WfeXfYY1Xq2 10/29/19(Tue)00:00:30 No.3406725

  Wow, this thread has truly shed some feels, but for a good reason. Gintama is fucking great, and
  of course it will end up touching people's life.

  I love Gintama too, a quite well versed friend of mine recommended it during a terrible time in
  my life: my first gf cheated on me with a friend from our major at uni, same year and all. I had
  to withstand the whole generation knowing and none telling me about it, after all the parties,
  hanging out and studying I thought they were my friends but I was wrong, they just laughed and
  talked behind my back, and I ended up an outcast.

  With Gintama I learnt to laugh again, to not take things so seriously and enjoy the little
  pleasures in life, while paying close attention to the people around me, helping out and
  expecting nothing in return. In the end the show taught me many things about friendship and life
  in general.

  Every time I remember Gintama is bittersweet, but it will always make me smile. I guess it
  represents life perfectly: lots of filling up with stupid shit we can laugh about and some
  serious shit we gotta take care of, for better or worse. But you can always laugh about the whole
  ordeal. Sorachi you magnificent bastard.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/19(Tue)01:12:27 No.3406737

  what if she turned FtM because you rejected her
  also technically speaking FtM's are just the ultimate tomboys, just slightly more faggotry
  depending on how they view tranny's in general

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/19(Tue)01:24:45 No.3406738

  Sometimes I wonder just how much of an impact GIntama's made on me and others. It's one of those
  things that I feel could completely change someone, or at least give them the push to change. Not
  drastically of course, but in subtle ways that really make a difference.

  I've thought that sometimes. Not that I'm trying to place some great importance on myself, but it
  must have really fucked with them just being ghosted by someone close like that. Wish I could go
  back and handle things differently.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/29/19(Tue)04:48:56 No.3406749

  >and normalfags
  nice pasta

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Created: 28/10 -2019 21:23:03 Last modified: 29/10 -2019 11:48:25 Server time: 15/03 -2025 07:33:24