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Threads (2):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 20459 Age: 156.96d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 19 Replies: 18 Files: 3+3 >> Anon 80647 Alpha version of this was hacked to have infinite money + stamina Any codefags up to do the same and even more, maybe? [IMG] Simply Mindy 3.6.0.swf (42.53 MiB) 960x640, Compressed (Deflate). 2 frames, 65 fps (00:00). Ver16, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 80699 >not knowing how to hack sol files Get gud srub. [IMG]noknowing.jpg >> Anon 80710 >># Oh great Anon please have mercy on us petty peasants. Share your knowledge with the uneducated masses. >> Anon 80718 >># google, bing, webcrawler, etc >> Anon 80719 >># 1: Download a hex editor, I use Frhed because it's free. 2: Do a harddrive search for mySave.sol, there might be more than one depending on how many flash games you play, so play a quick ingame day of simply mindy first make sure it's the most recently modified file then sort by "date modified" when you search. 3: BACK UP THAT FILE BECAUSE YOU WILL FUCK UP YOUR FIRST FEW ATTEMPTS, FASTEST WAY TO DO IS TO RIGHTCLICK> ADD TO ZIP. 4: open the .sol file with your hex editor and ctrl+F money to find the data you want to edit. Please note that the first letter/character after regular text is always a data name/data value separator, so don't edit that. 5: If you got windows 10, open the default calculator app. It's got a programmer mode that's great for quickly converting decimal (normal people numbers) to hexadecimal (computer save file numbers). 6: That being said, flash will sometimes use a weird value system that is impossible to figure out. Money is typically one of these values. First time I tried editing money in this game, I turned $1500 into $First day of ghostings. So edit the money values one digit, one increment at a time, save, then load your game to see what the fuck you just did to your wallet. I got an actual number on my 3rd attempt. Stamina on the other hand is a normal hex number, though setting it above 63 (100 stamina) unleashes a torrent of cut scenes on me... [IMG]howtohex.jpg >> Anon 80727 >># So, you interested in maybe uploading that sol file somewhere? catbox.moe for example >> Anon 80729 >># Thank you, Oh great sage. >> Anon 80741 Or for the lazy, without downloading anything or learning anything use minerva save editor. Open your existing sol file in it and scroll down to find money or any stat you want to change, change it, save it, and replace your original sol file with the new one. You can't really fuck it up and there is not a single lightly complicated facet to it. Work smarter not harder. >> Anon 80754 >># I found Online .sol editor actually >> Anon 80757 >># Share it pls. >> Anon 80763 >># Minerva save editor. Google. >> Anon 80803 >># google is a fucking shit search engine. >> Anon 80806 >># https://www.saveeditonline.com/ >> Anon 80808 >># It also comes up as the first result in google and takes all of 10 seconds. But I don't really care use whatever search engine tickles your jubblies. >> Anon 80811 >># >become a patron no thanks dude I ain't using that shit >> Anon 80836 >># You don't have to pay to use it dumbass, by your logic you should be cooming to every flash uploaded here >> Anon 80845 >># for the latter.. i'm trying XD >> Anon 81510 Gotta say, been playing for a couple days, the faps are way more rewarding when you work for it tbqh >> Anon 81571 >># Yo, I remember that episode of duck tales
/ > /fap/ > Thread 13816 Age: 83.02d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 9 Replies: 8 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 62441 Found somewhere, decided to upload here [IMG] Simply Mindy 3.6.0.swf (42.53 MiB) 960x640, Compressed. 2 frames, 65 fps (00:00). Ver16, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 62529 Why the fuck is it so hard to have game-play that matches the art with this cause its a nice look but holy fuck the grind >> Anon 62530 >># does this game use save files? >> Anon 62532 >># Nope, just one active save at a time. And if you reload after getting a ending it doesn't save that ending bonus >> Anon 62550 I fucking hate this game too >> Anon 62555 grinding is one thing, but moving 2 stats forward and 1 stat back is total bullshit. off to cheat engine lock the 10 starting points and give 100+ to everything. >> Anon 62561 >># To reduce the grinding just get all the easy ending first. Once you spam those out go for the contest winner ending by beating each of the 4 contest types once. The bonus from that ending will let you keep a 1/4 from the previous run. Unless you are working towards a set ending always go for the easiest one that you have not got yet, that way you can just keep stacking bonuses. >> Anon 62574 anyone knows how to unlock the gallery? >> Anon 62575 >># thanks for the tips. |