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849,4 KiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (2):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/10 -2018 21:47:25 Ended: 9/10 -2018 11:58:46Flashes: 1 Posts: 16
File: ass2[uncensored].swf-(830 KB, 841x595, Other)
[_] Anon 3361945 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3361968 >># Where are you getting these? A Pixiv?
>> [_] Anon 3361971 man why is this cuck mental illness spreading all over 4chan
>> [_] Anon 3361975 Reminder that you're an abomination to either God or evolution. I do love how transgendered "people" can bring both theist and atheist together, if you're theist you can hate them for going against God's destiny (think about that, he wanted you to perhaps be a father of a child with a beautiful wife, but you just have to be a special snowflake), if you're atheist, you can hate them for rebelling against mother nature's evolutionary path, you're a human the perfect species that took billions of years to form, but yet the human's "intelligence" drives them to speak out, and go against nature/God, and just decide to be another gender/sex (those words don't have different definitions by the way)In fact to call you human would be insulting, to me, and any other person with the sense to know that gender is not a choice. I sincerely hope you repent of your ways, or perhaps consider suicide. I'll be praying for you or have positive thoughts,whatever your religious belief would prefer.
>> [_] Anon 3361978 >># haha benis :DDDDDDD
>> [_] Anon 3361979 >># Hay babey ya need to chill
>> [_] Anon 3361985 >># Calm down you autistic fuck, it's just a drawing.
>> [_] Anon 3362014 >># This is the future you cuck, God and evolution are for losers.
>> [_] Anon 3362026 >># right? it gets worse by the day. >># based
>> [_] Anon 3362030 >># You apparently don't even know what cuck/cucking/cuckolding is. This isn't that. Cuckolding is when a guy intentionally lets his girlfriend or boyfriend fuck others in front of him typically while he chooses to be tied up.
>> [_] Anon 3362058 >># lmao calm down you special I'm sure you'll make up for my lack of breeding while also producing even more trans people.
>> [_] Anon 3362062 >># How did you get here and why are you still here?
>> [_] Anon 3362063 >># Only 14 year olds without friends who get bullied in school would find this hot.
>> [_] Anon 3362070 >># no, you autist fag don't be such a fucking cuck. are you retarded?
>> [_] Anon 3362073 >># Triggered
>> [_] Anon 3362074 Is this moemoeoukoku?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 4/10 -2018 22:08:34 Ended: 27/2 -2019 02:03:25Flashes: 1 Posts: 28
/ > /fap/ > Thread 13897 Age: 138.17d Health: 0% Posters: 20 Posts: 28 Replies: 26 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 63895 [TRAP/FEMBOY WARNING] i don't care for traps, but i HATE censorship. so i've removed the stupid white bar from this flash. [IMG] ass2[uncensored].swf (849.4 KiB) 841x595, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00). Ver36, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 63902 "trap", "femboy", "dickgirl"... the actual term for these people is "transvestite". why doesn't anybody use the correct word?
>> Anon 63904 >># bait.jpg
>> Anon 63905 >># Because being PC or accurate is not something any chan is known for let alone this dried up one.
>> Anon 63910 >># you got the meaning by reading what i posted. don't give a fuck how 'correct' it is.
>> Anon 63919 >># "Trap" is a specific type of transvestite, similar to how a jacuzzi is a specific type of hot tub.
>> Anon 63921 >># Traps trick you into thinking they are a girl. Trannies only trick themselves into thinking they are a girl. Learn the difference, it could save your life.
>> Anon 63942 >># He said transvestite, not transgender. One dresses like the opposite sex, and the other believes they're the opposite sex.
>> Anon 63943 >># Oh wow, you're retarded and don't have access to a dictionary. Sad.
>> Anon 63959 >># Dickgirl, really? That's not even real. That's some fantasy ass anime chick with a dick and balls. That's as far from "conservative transvestite" as you can go.
>> Anon 63963 if i had known how much drama this flash would have caused i would not have edited it in the first place. fucking soap opera in here.
>> Anon 63964 >># how tf you upload something here and dont expect drama??
>> Anon 63967 didn't think i would upset so many simply by pointing out the correct word to use for these people. fucking lol about trying to claim that "trap" is a specific type of transvestite >>#. the concept of a guy being a trap is very misused today, people use it even though the dick is right there in plain sight. that's not a trap. a transvestite being a "trap" is more depending on the situation, a property that is lost if you can clearly tell that it's a male. and then there's this guy >># arguing against himself.
>> Anon 63975 >># trap is 4 characters long while transvestite is 12 characters long
>> Anon 63979 >># you forgot about the terms "cuntboy" and "tom-girl". But to answer your question, it's more descriptive and/or (in the case of using "trap") shorter to use these terms. In this case "trap" is redundant; in bad taste. >># It is, but only in the same way a beautiful blue wall is a type of blue wall. >># Dickgirl has started being used in amateur porn to describe shemales, so it's a valid usage here. >># I'm just surprised there hasn't been anyone going "niggers REEEEEEEEE"... now i have to say: niggers REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>> w7 890 63984 so many grammar nazis im gonna drown here gulp gulp.. (obvious trolling)
>> Anon 63996 Shut the fuck up you fucking nerds. You all need to be slammed into lockers.
>> Anon 63998 >># Dickgirl = Shemale? Jeez man, why even have different word definitions. Just use whatever fucking word pleases you! I mean come on now, it's 2018! Fuck opressing WORDS. But in all seriousness, Tom-girl is just a fucking boyish looking girl, there's NOTHING masculine about it, most superficial appearance aside, that word has absolutely nothing to do with all that trans bullshit. And I've yet to encounter the word "cuntboy".
>> Anon 64017 >># tomgirl is girlish looking boy think your looking for tomboy
>> Anon 64100 Nice one. Thx OP
>> Anon 64112 >># This. Fucking nerds arguing over right way to say something, just fuckin' jack off and go.
>> Anon 64123 Saw warning. Came to comments to call you a fag. Enjoy your sweaty man ass, Faggots
>> attention whore 64634 not w7 890 just no i suck futa dick all the time whatswrongboy.swf (obvious trolling)
>> Anon 64657 >># I'm not saying dickgirl=shemale. I'm saying the words are becoming synonyms, in the public's eye at least. This a case of natural language change. Tom-girl is a girlish acting boy. I may have meant tom-boy though, which is a boyish acting girl. Cuntboy and dickgirl mean masculine body with a cunt and feminine body with a dick respectively. Transvestite is not the same as transsexual: the former is about acting and dressing like the opposite sex and what we're talking about, the later is a mental condition. Most all transsexuals are transvestites, few transvestites are transsexual.
>> Anon 65908 Never been able to find out how to take off the clothes. Anyone know if that's even in this flash? The balls make it look like it should be a feature when you click on them, as well as the nipples.
>> Anon 65917 >># right click
>> Anon 65946 >># A scholar you are. Many thanks.
>> Anon 65995 >># Fixed version when? >># >gulp gulp Careful not to choke on all that cum you're chugging.

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Created: 4/10 -2018 22:18:58 Last modified: 27/2 -2019 02:28:56 Server time: 18/03 -2025 20:20:13