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Threads (1):

[EPD6LEH]F !!…
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 13/10 -2018 14:21:05 Ended: 14/10 -2018 08:18:35Flashes: 1 Posts: 30
File: Make_With_Chuu~.swf-(4.99 MB, 320x240, Porn)
[_] Anon 3362804 Is it ever to late to have the desire for an upload? For I feel my time window had already passed yet atlast today is the day.
>> [_] Anon 3362805
>> [_] Anon 3362806 >># why don't you get flash and make proper flash?
>> [_] Anon 3362808 >># I could be open to suggestions go ahead try an temp me.
>> [_] Anon 3362811 >># Era3I9JvDSQZidq10h6TEG6y&export=download It's the whole CS6 pack so just install what you want, if it asks for password it's /F/LAGSHIP instructions should be already inside but just in case >1. Disable your Network card or pull the network cable. >And make sure you dont have any of these entries in your hosts file > > >2. Install the Master Collection CS6 with a serial generated from the keygen >(do not close the keygen, leave the generated key in the textbox!). >When the error "Please connect to the internet and retry" shows click connect later. >3. Launch an Adobe application (Photoshop, Illustartor etc). >4. Confirm you have "connection problem" and you want to activate it offline. >5. A request code will be generated. Paste it into the appropriate textbox in the keygen to generate your activation code. >6. Validate >7. When installation is finished: >add the contents of [ADOBE CS3-CS6 HOSTS FIX.txt] (copy/paste) into your system's hosts file >a) Open hosts in notepad >b) Paste the contents of [ADOBE CS3-CS6 HOSTS FIX.txt] after the last line at the bottom >c) DO NOT try to save using the Save dialog, simply close Notepad and click Yes when it asks if you want to save changes. This guarantees not corrupting the hosts file or adding a .txt extension to it. >8. Now that it has been activated and blocked, re-enable your Network card and run the Adobe updater to update your software to the latest version. >9. Enjoy! if you're done try this nifty guide on how to make simple flash loops
>> [_] Anon 3362812 >># Thank You Anon you know my Uploads infutre by the Tilde at the end
>> [_] Anon 3362823 >># The hero we need, but don't deserve
>> [_] Anon 3362825 never seen Ben 10 or whatever the show's name is but ive seen so much porn with these characters that i still feel like i know them
>> [_] Anon 3362828 >># >># Or just use OpenToonz or Flashdevelop
>> [_] Anon 3362833 >># thank you very much.
>> [_] Anon 3362858 where can I find the original animation? I need this.
>> [_] Anon 3362860 >># just search for "ben_10" and "animated" on sankaku complex
>> [_] Anon 3362863 >fantastic music taste I'm listening! >BEN/10 AWRIGHT, IT'S ON >Just a looping flv with black borders still there Ok ... we can make this ha- >Music cuts abruptely and is not perfectly looped aaaand dropped >># not the most straight foward installation (man, I know that has been easier in the past), but it gets the job done if you have CS6 then you're good to go for all eternity mabye
>> [_] Anon 3362866 >># the original series had everyone in the bone zone
>> [_] Anon 3362881 >># I'll try an better the loop~
>> [_] Anon 3362887 >># Are you 12?
>> [_] Anon 3362912 Question: do I HAVE to be using the latest version of this shit? Can't I just run whatever was used back in the day? What specifically would that program be called
>> [_] Anon 3362919 >># Flash
>> [_] Anon 3362921 >># it's not called flash you fucking nigger I hate you so damn much
>> [_] Anon 3362922 >># What are you referring to? If it's to MAKE flash, then, nah. Idk what the differences are between Creative Studio releases, but I still use CS3, and it works just fine. CS Flash has always been fucked up, some things got patched, some worsened, some stayed until the end. Like with Adobe Animate, you'd think this is the definitive version, but Adobe STILL managed to fuck it up. Zone ranted about it for weeks. If you talk about WATCHING flashes with your flashplayer, then, yes/and/no. You would need the version that the flash was made with or later (you can look at it on the swfchan file page). With only minimal chances that a newer flash would work with an older flashplayer. For every AS3 flash you would at least need a player that was made after Action Script 3 was introduced. I DID come across the eventual situation where a flash did no longer work with a newer flashplayer, though that's very rare.
>> [_] Anon 3362924 >># im 34, son
>> [_] Anon 3362927 >># best version is Adobe Flash Professional CS6. nothing worthwhile added after that, they even started removing good features in later version. the only flaw with CS6 is that it doesn't have svg support, which I think adobe deliberately removed to favor their own shit format whatever it is called. im sure they had support for svg in CS5 or maybe it was CS4. i think maybe later flash versions re-added svg support, i forget what they renamed flash pro to, adobe animator or something.
>> [_] Anon 3362929 >># >Adobe Animate >Zone ranted about it for weeks. got any links to that rant? i want to see if he think it is bad for the same reasons i do
>> [_] Anon 3362930 I swear on all that is holy - I had a girlfriend who loved anime in high school (we were on the academic decathalon team together) she was irish - she had short red hair and looked EXACTLY like this girl in the flash - and I look like the guy even (brown hair, good looks, etc.) I banged her on the couch while her parents were still at work one day - and I shit you not - I even look like the guy in the flash... This shit is really weird.... She resembles the girl more than I resemble the guy though - but it's close - we both have brown hair - and I looked damn good when I was 17. I still look OK for being 38 though - women still come up and compliment my hat at random bars still (why do girls compliment guys hats? That's so fucking dumb - they can just smile and strike up a conversation - that's all they need to do - dumb compliments are not needed about my dumb beanie).
>> [_] Anon 3362935 >># is this dedo or gravelord? :^) That's my CS6 package I upped to discord last year, good to see it still circulating. >># Don't give worthless pajeet advice. Neither will get you anywhere. >># >not the most straightfoward installation (man, I know that has been easier in the past) it *was* easier once, and far less reliable. The hosts fix is my own compilation from all the known URLS in past releases plus a few of my own discoveries. It's still the best deactivation fix in existence, and works with all Creative Suite versions (not tested with Creative Cloud). And it's not real hard, get tough. >># No, it's called "Adobe Flash Professional CS6". >># >Idk what the differences are between Creative Studio releases. CS3 was the first "complete" iteration, and is still breddy gud. CS4 introduces (buggy) IK animation for drawing objects, and improves shape tweening. CS5 brought Code Snippets (broken) and a whole casket full of spoopy bugs; CS5.5 fixed all that mess. CS6 finally brings fully working Code Snippets, a new extension format (gotta convert your old extension bleh) and begins deprecating classic tweens for motion tweens. Also, a ton of under-the-hood optimizations that make life happier with less crashing. Really, use either CS3 or CS6, whatever floats your boat. Those are the two most stable versions. CS6 just has better bells and whistles.
>> [_] Anon 3362940 >># i'm 55, anon, and can you explain this shit to me? i have the shadman version of the flash on my machine somewhere, although i've never seen the show it's based on.
>> [_] Anon 3362942 >># >i have the shadman version of the flash on my machine somewhere problem is, it's 86MB
>> [_] Anon 3362947 >># I mean, it was on his twitter, but it was year(s?) ago at this point and I'm just too lazy to dig it up right now. It was mostly how some brush tool still slightely transformed the line everytime you use it or some insider shenanigans like that.
>> [_] Anon 3362951 how do i watch in chrome?
>> [_] Anon 3362982 >># You don't. Get Projector.

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Created: 13/10 -2018 14:25:07 Last modified: 14/10 -2018 18:21:05 Server time: 18/03 -2025 00:11:20