/ > /show/ > Thread 14063 Age: 50.02d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2
>> Ercjaeb 64630 Fission Mailed OFFICIAL SERIES FINALE Joel talks about his new car, just like...old...times. Hey, is that two Phils? Ignoring the "lost episode"(which is already uploaded), this is the end. I remember when I discovered this series at episode 62, then forgetting about it until rediscovering at episode 81. For months afterward, a week would not go by where I didn't rewatch the series in order. As season 7 (ep.76-88) rolled by, I wondered how the series would end; how/if anything or anyone would change. And also, I was clueless about the extent of Phil's jerk nature--I knew he could be a jerk, but I didn't realize he was a through-and-through jerk. [IMG] bonusstage88.swf (1.61 MiB) 480x360, Compressed (Deflate). 9761 frames, 30 fps (05:25). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]