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This is resource BWRA6B2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/11 -2020 11:01:15

Ended:27/11 -2020 01:52:05

Checked:27/11 -2020 07:50:38

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: CoC_1.0.2_v._04.swf-(8.11 MB, 1000x800, Game)
[_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)04:54:21 No.3447218

  Have you /f/ags actually given this game a try?
  It's literally the best flash RPG I've ever seen, if it weren't for the fact that's it's a porn
  game it would be the best text based adventure game I've ever played.
  You can do just about fucking anything in this god forsaken game, you can become an animal, a
  slime, you can fuck literally anything.
  You can have a dick and tits.
  You can gather a cult following, gain reputation, friends, relationships, own property, you can
  even fucking influence the socioeconomic structure of society.

  This fucking dog shit porn flash game is amazing.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)07:31:22 No.3447224

  >It's literally the best flash RPG I've ever seen
  You've obviously never seen ebf3

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)08:08:09 No.3447226

  enlighten me

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)08:20:22 No.3447227

  CoC is trash, but somehow TiTS manages to be even worse.

  Circlejerks for failed furfag '''''authors'''''.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)10:31:13 No.3447231

  Its some falsh RPG made around 2010 by a dude. But it plays more like a standard RPG than a flash
  one, and its got like 20 hours of content. The gameplay is ok, but the thing with this game is
  that it has a lot of soul, and it makes jokes at the industry, and irl and shit like that. Its
  kinda hard to explain why its good. You gotta get a few hours in to understand for yourself.
  Also, around 2016, it was released on Steam for free. And I mean actually free, no
  microtransactions, or other bs like that. So, you can just get it from there, or if you really
  want the Flash version, get it from some random flash games site

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)10:38:52 No.3447232

  Explain yourself. CoC has some of the best writing I've seen in an eroge.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)15:13:46 No.3447263

  I hope you realize people have been playing this game for years now. I use to play it like 6-7
  years ago.

  Long story short since this game has a lot of irl lore. Lead dev fucked over people, people
  fucked over lead dev. The game was going to be way more fleshed out along with more than just
  "What furry do you want to be, grind this fruit/sex encounter"
  Yes, it has a lot of divergent paths, but when you break it down, it's just a bunch of story arcs
  that you can pick and choose from as you play, nothing is every closed out, all you have to do is
  reach a certain number and hit a certain combo of buttons, it's nothing ground breaking, and
  honestly isn't worth more attention than it already has.

  Also, TiTs did somehow fuck it all up. (DEV went hard SJW during early production which
  influenced character's and story lines)

  Frankly, CoCs mods are better than the base game, but still not worth the effort.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)15:17:08 No.3447265

  Free cities is better.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)15:21:16 No.3447266

  i taste pasta but will fap anyways

>> [_] John Moses Browning 11/26/20(Thu)19:15:35 No.3447293

  I agree, I have fond memories with Epic Battle Fantasy 3, however I still didn't finish it yet. I
  want to finish that one first before playing EBF4 and 5

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)19:20:05 No.3447296

  lmao, take your time anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/20(Thu)19:49:19 No.3447301

  >(DEV went hard SJW during early production which influenced character's and story lines)
  I never played it because it seemed shitty
  What happened
Created: 26/11 -2020 11:01:15 Last modified: 27/11 -2020 07:50:42 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:50:32