File: touch fuzzy get dizzy.swf-(1.4 MB, 708x462, Loop)
[_] rip /vr/ Anonymous 08/28/20(Fri)12:54:39 No.3437773
The one time a new board would have been a better idea and they don't do it.
/vr/'s board culture is going to get completely wiped out by this.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/20(Fri)14:53:17 No.3437783
so which gen counts as "retro" for /vr/ now? ps2/xbox?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/20(Fri)15:27:25 No.3437784
the plan is
>all of sixth gen (PS2/Xbox/Gamecube)counts as /vr/
>with a hard cutoff year of 2007, so late 00s/early 10s PS2 doesn't count
>also PS3/360/Wii games released before 2007 don't count either
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/20(Fri)15:44:44 No.3437787
and GBA.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/20(Fri)17:26:23 No.3437797
This is so retarded.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/20(Fri)22:32:04 No.3437830
>The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will
now be considered "retro".
Well now I just feel fucking old.
What's Hiro's fucking problem lately anyway? All of these new boards and they're all video game
related too.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/29/20(Sat)00:33:24 No.3437842
cuz it's easier than to eliminate all the shitposting cancer that comes form other boards, and
don't give me that bullshit they can't do it as they had no problems making sure we never saw a
stupid pastel pony