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This is resource CKYYL6N, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/9 -2020 22:58:25

Ended:9/9 -2020 00:27:00

Checked:9/9 -2020 03:03:44

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: heyuri_azucar.swf-(867 KB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 09/07/20(Mon)16:54:39 No.3438839


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/20(Mon)17:57:47 No.3438845

  what happen?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/20(Mon)18:02:31 No.3438846

  Cresta is dead.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/20(Mon)18:07:49 No.3438848

  A lot of dicksword drama that led to spamming, a hack and eventually a site shutdown

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)00:41:05 No.3438872

  We are gathered here today to commemorate the passing of a young imageboard, one with great
  intentions to become a comfy haven for oldfags and newfags who wanted to relive the good times.
  Your threads were simple and elegant, lulz aplenty. In this moment, I only wish I posted moar.

  Big thanks to LOLIco and kuz, I really enjoyed the project.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)04:03:26 No.3438883

  well, at least kuz did say that he is planning on making another imageboard for heyuri/9chan

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)14:13:17 No.3438909

  how do people even find all the smaller sites? is it just hearsay? but even if it was that how
  would people find it in the first place? I remember this site I visited a few months ago that had
  links to a lot of other chans, but I wiped my history for one reason or another a while back and
  can't find it, do you know of any?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)14:19:04 No.3438910

  i think the site you're talking about is allchans anon

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)14:23:24 No.3438912

  it was overchan, but thanks for another site, time to start digging

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)15:23:45 No.3438918

  imagine a time before people just used the same 3 websites all day over

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)15:42:29 No.3438920

  a trurly joyful and free time when you would discover something interesting ever so often and
  stay for a long while to enjoy it for all it was.
  Well, at least i hope all of us here are trying to not get stuck in the loop of
  is overchan actually a site, or just an apk for browsing multiple imageboards at once?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)15:44:54 No.3438921

  Oh no, a generic "comfy" altchan died! This is never happened before, what a sad day ;_;
  Come on guys.
  Because they spam advertisements on boards like /f/.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)16:02:48 No.3438922

  both of the admins were wojak spamming teens

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)16:23:50 No.3438925

  and one doxxed the other because he got banned for spamming wojaks

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)16:25:12 No.3438926

  Who did this?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)16:44:09 No.3438927

  I try not to, but those are for sure my most trafficked sites, though I do go on various other
  sites for things like fan fiction and light novels, also a lot of music.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/20(Tue)18:22:47 No.3438939

  >the loop of youtube-4chan-twitter
  Fuck. Except twitter never ever, I don't have artists to follow and the rest of it is utter shit.
  At least I do sports, that's something.
Created: 7/9 -2020 22:58:25 Last modified: 9/9 -2020 03:03:51 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:22:19