Archived flashes:
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This is resource CVXIZJ0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/12 -2020 02:54:28

Ended:20/12 -2020 16:27:49

Checked:20/12 -2020 23:42:59

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Radiskull_and_Devil_Doll_03.swf-(2.88 MB, 512x384, Anime)
[_] How do I get the Flashes to not just go black playing them on here? Anonymous
12/19/20(Sat)20:44:37 No.3450350

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/19/20(Sat)21:27:11 No.3450361

  if you right-click on the swf link and select "open in a new window" then it might work

  NOT a new tab. if you open it in a new tab it might work if you select the url in the address bar
  and press enter to reload the flash

  there's some weird setting on 4chan's server that is causing this

>> [_] Anonymous 12/19/20(Sat)22:43:37 No.3450377

  Nope, still all black.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)06:37:58 No.3450426

  Try this
  The issue is actually something 4chan started doing a while back which is setting the x-frame
  header option to DENY which prevents any flash file from loading on the 4chan domain. Firefox
  used to ignore these header settings but the recent update made it start applying them.
  Current workaround is to install an addon called simple-modify-headers and configure it as
  URL Patterns:*
  Action: Delete
  Header Field Name: x-frame-options
  Header Field Value: null
  Apply On: Response
  Start it up and flash files should start working again. Be sure to send feedback telling Hiro
  that flashes are fucked and maybe they'll fix the issue, if not then we're just stuck with it for
  the foreseeable future.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)10:28:32 No.3450443

  it could be something with how the flash plugin gets sandboxed in your browser and how it gets
  access to your hardware. im out of ideas unless you want to try a different browser. you'll need
  to change if you want to keep playing flash next year anyway.
Created: 20/12 -2020 02:54:28 Last modified: 20/12 -2020 23:43:02 Server time: 07/01 -2025 03:14:37