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This is resource GH3PGSI, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/9 -2020 22:33:19

Ended:17/9 -2020 11:41:12

Checked:17/9 -2020 18:14:58

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: 2d_waifu.swf-(1.54 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)16:30:48 No.3439638

  I just realized the guy that maintains Ruffle earns over 2500 bucks/month in donations.
  >Sincere thanks to the diamond level sponsors of Ruffle: (he lists five sites)
  >$500 a month = Diamond Sponsor
  >GitHub does not charge fees for GitHub Sponsors. We cover payment processing costs, so
  one-hundred percent of your sponsorship goes to the developers and organizations you fund.

  He has 47 sponsors and at least 5 gives him 500 USD per month. Let's say the other 42 gives an
  additional 300-500 USD combined. Microsoft-owned GitHub takes zero fees and even cover the PayPal
  fees (or whatever they use). That's 2800-3000 USD/month in his pocket before taxes (if any, I
  don't know). His profile says he lives in San Diego, CA. According to https://www.rentcafe.
  com/average-rent-market-trends/us/ca/san-diego/ the average rent is $2237/month. It also says the
  most affordable neighborhoods are $975/month. So he could be making a living from the GitHub
  donations alone.

  The reason I'm posting this is that it's possible he is maintaining Ruffle full-time, in other
  words there is hope for the project! Even if he only works on the project three days a week it's
  still good. In an earlier thread I was pretty dismissive, thinking that it'll never amount to
  much. I'm still skeptic that Ruffle could ever get to such a state that it can do everything the
  flash plugin can do but this at least gives me hope that the project will get to a decent state.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)16:32:39 No.3439639

  The ruffle site is at for anyone that haven't seen it. I don't know if the
  demo page available there actually uses the latest version of ruffle. I wish he had printed out
  the version of the demo just to make it clear.

  There's a long way to go, no AS3 support and seems like you can't play embedded videos.

  He has a neat Mystify screensaver on his homepage:
  As well as a copy of his old absolutely beautiful 90s homepage he made when he was 11 years old:

  Clicking around on was kinda fun, a lot of people has old styled websites there. Also
  has a webring, feels like I haven't seen one of those in 15 years.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:31:18 No.3439698

  I thought the good news would get at least a couple of comments, maybe it was old news and I was
  just a slowpoke noticing this.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:48:55 No.3439707

  I have no idea what you were even talking about.

>> [_] Dan Schneider 09/17/20(Thu)04:03:47 No.3439715

  This is my first time hearing about this. Do we monitor the GitHub page for updates? How often
  are they, or is the project on standby? Also, absolutely love the homepage

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)05:16:28 No.3439718

  Personally I'm more into hoping someone will fix that adobe flash plugin brick they put into the
  latest releases, which automatically renders the plugin unusable after a system date of 2021.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)05:29:43 No.3439721

  does this apply to the standalone player as well?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)05:37:33 No.3439724

  fortunately no
Created: 16/9 -2020 22:33:19 Last modified: 17/9 -2020 18:15:06 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:16:19