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This is resource JQ16T9K, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/10 -2020 00:04:03
4.4 years ago.

Ended:6/10 -2020 00:29:33
4.4 years ago.

Checked:6/10 -2020 05:20:53
4.4 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: dwarven_complete_v1_a.mod.swf-(1.63 MB, 500x430, Game)
[_] It's time... John Moses Browning 10/04/20(Sun)17:59:57 No.3441727

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)13:10:03 No.3441778

  What the fuck is this game
  What are the controls

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)13:30:09 No.3441782

  says it right at the first screen doesn't it?
  you just walk around with the arrow keys and sometimes click the things on your inventory bar

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)14:50:47 No.3441786

  Am I an idiot? I can't get the key on the pillar surrounded by buttons.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)15:10:43 No.3441789

  1. go room to the right next to it
  2. push button
  3. ???
  4. profit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)15:15:54 No.3441790

  I did that and see the patterns it shows but I don't understand how to input them.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)15:35:43 No.3441792

  1 nigga
  2 niggas
  3 niggas
  5 niggas
  6 niggas
  7 niggas

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)15:40:45 No.3441793

  What do I do after I get the first key?

  Every room is a dead end, I've collected everything and have no more doors left to open, the room
  with the cart rails has no way to activate it, I've spent the last 15 minutes going through every
  room mashing tab to pixelhunt and found nothing. The fuck am I supposed to do?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)16:32:31 No.3441802

  The key also opens chests.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:03:43 No.3441811

  Did that, got a stick and a bag. Still stuck at a dead end.
  I swear if its some stupid floor tile switch you're supposed to just randomly walk on while
  wandering, I'm gonna go bananas.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:06:15 No.3441812

  I am stuck here too.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:07:20 No.3441813

  Do you have to flip the train tracks in a specific way?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:12:26 No.3441814

  Thats what I was thinking but there doesn't seem to be a "correct" way of setting them, it looks
  as though the puzzle involves switching tracks while they're being used.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:15:09 No.3441815

  You're right, don't worry about the tracks just now. You're next step is to make the magnet, but
  you haven't got all the parts yet, there should still be a chest for you to open.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:18:54 No.3441816

  There are 0 chests left to open. I got a bag, and a stick, all other chests are behind either
  gold doors or in inaccessible parts of the map.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:27:12 No.3441817

  I found it. There is a walk-thru wall in the spiral maze thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:37:18 No.3441818

  I just finished, good luck to you anons. Also don't worry about getting soft-locked, I don't
  think it's possible.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)17:45:29 No.3441821

  Yeah I just found that as well

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)18:18:56 No.3441826

  And I seem to be stuck again. Got the magnet, did the two cannons, fell through the floor in the
  dark room and got the item below. No candle or hammer.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/20(Mon)18:28:03 No.3441828

  I can't seem to find the bone.

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Created: 5/10 -2020 00:04:03 Last modified: 6/10 -2020 05:21:01 Server time: 14/03 -2025 07:49:49