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Happy New Year!

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This is resource KMXQOI4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/1 -2021 13:12:28

Ended:31/1 -2021 02:32:41

Checked:31/1 -2021 02:53:07

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 31.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: everything in moderation.swf-(229 KB, 500x495, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)07:10:14 No.3458890


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)07:50:44 No.3458897

  Fuck no. /jp/ was drowning because of vsimps.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)08:09:46 No.3458900

  no this is good, we can finally return to our regular scheduling on /jp/
  unlike all the /v/ offshoots, not sure why those were added

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)08:30:19 No.3458902

  >our regular scheduling on /jp/
  But /jp/ has sucked gorilla dick for years. vTuber shitposting and /jp/ 2hu shitposting look the
  exact same.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)08:36:57 No.3458904

  >the shit that turned /jp/ into the fastest board on the site finally gets its own board
  took him long enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)08:51:35 No.3458906

  Hiro is completely disconnected from 4chan, he is a full time vlogger now.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)08:54:54 No.3458907

  Nothing wrong with revitalizing /jp/ from the constant idol/onahole generals and lackluster

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)08:59:05 No.3458909

  there is no benefit to "vitalizing" a board. as an /f/ poster you should know that a slow board
  can still be a good board.
  imagine if newcomers started flooding /f/ with converted youtube videos and turned it into a fast
  moving board. that would essentially kill any original board culture and content, and it sort of
  happened in /jp/, though not completely and it's finally over.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)09:02:54 No.3458911

  >all the /v/ offshoots, not sure why those were added
  To allow those without terminal retardation to chat in peace. At least where /vst/ and /vrpg/ are
  concerned. It even worked for a little while, more so for the former. But all good things come to
  an end.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)09:32:56 No.3458912

  /jp/ won't get any better since there are still cancerous 2hu threads and generals. It's a shame
  since /jp/ used to have real otaku threads alongside your usual "what does fairy poop taste like"
  threads. But now you can't even make an original thread without it dying two replies in.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)10:12:39 No.3458913

  /vm/ is also a good board if you want to play with other anons.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)10:21:12 No.3458914

  I'll trust you on that one. I got too tired of trying to find people who can behave like an adult
  in online MP about 15 years ago.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)10:32:29 No.3458918

  I feel you, but the guys playing TF2 there on sundays are pretty chill (specially when playing
  late at night when there are less people and everyone is calm) even the underage newfags.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)14:49:59 No.3458933

  What if everyone in this thread posted 2 flashes every day?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)15:19:16 No.3458935

  that's just 20 new OP's & not everyone is dedicated enough to find something that hasn't been
  posted for at least a month, let alone year or 2. so you'd get endless reposts of the same week
  over & over with little new reposts or OC. so don't even try

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)16:03:05 No.3458941

  Another cancer containment board. This site cannot last for much longer.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)16:15:46 No.3458943

  Funny how the mods act and put up a new board when /jp/ is threatened by e-celebs but /v/ is
  still being plagued by it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)22:20:16 No.3458972

  man... how sad is this future

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)22:21:44 No.3458973

  dude /v/ has already had like 5 spin-off boards.
  there aren't that many e-celebs threads on /v/.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/21(Fri)23:03:32 No.3458976

  That's one way to word it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)05:44:14 No.3459005

  I don't like making reposts often so I'd run out pretty quickly. I definitely have less than a
  thousand saved.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)06:53:43 No.3459007

  /2h/ soon

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)11:53:55 No.3459022

  of all the delusional posts you could make when there are 7 fucking video game boards

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)15:33:50 No.3459043

  Most of which weren't needed, and none of them do anything about the e-celeb menace.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)15:37:26 No.3459045

  Then find new stuff and post it.
  Unless you want to see Merlin's washing dance every day until the end of time.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)16:51:42 No.3459052


  >B-b-b-but I don't have any flashes!
  Then find shit off swfchan and post it, this is /f/, not /f/xcuses

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)17:24:46 No.3459053

  I'm doing my part

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)19:26:48 No.3459060

  i have only about 20 flashes on hdd i post here on /f/ from time to time, but i never saw any
  negative reply about them, i think i'm going for quality not quantity
  does this board need more flashes desperately, or i should keep my way?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)19:35:14 No.3459061

  We should be able to get through at least 30 flashes a day.
  But due to flash being killed, posting has gone downhill where we have stuff up for longer, so
  the board is becoming stagnate. Especially because unless you're a autistic, you can only post 2
  flahses at any given time.

  If anything, just go through and start looking for flashes that look interesting to
  We still need quality, but we also don't want an empty board.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)19:41:45 No.3459063

  BTW, I already posted to flashes, so other people should pick up the slack. Just post your
  favorite flashes for today/sunday.
  Then follow the daily themes. (Miku Monday, Touhou Tuesday, etc)

>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)20:27:47 No.3459076

  >still no separate board for manga
  >still no containment board for shounen shit
  >still no board at all for light novels
Created: 29/1 -2021 13:12:28 Last modified: 31/1 -2021 02:53:46 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:45:06