File: PIGTAIL TOUCH!! [moyasix].swf-(7.51 MB, 1000x800, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 07/10/20(Fri)17:37:58 No.3433602
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/20(Fri)19:24:11 No.3433609
i couldn't finish it
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/20(Fri)19:37:34 No.3433611
This game requires max level autism to complete, unless you have crazy memory. I ended up getting
so pissed I number coded each area and wrote them down on notepad as they would appear. It wasn't
that worth, still fapped
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/20(Fri)19:40:45 No.3433612
Use a screen recorder or video record using phone. Then rewind for the harder patterns.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/20(Fri)20:00:51 No.3433614
this is an evil game. the reward isn't worth it at all either.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/20(Sat)02:02:23 No.3433625
>black screen
don't really feel like doing much to get it to work tbqh, especially if anons are saying it's shit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/20(Sat)07:26:46 No.3433640
The twp hardest level I used pen and paper. I think they are not humanely possible as memory is
limited. So they are about luck of getting that 3% scenario.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/20(Sun)05:08:26 No.3433698
Open a separate tab and assign a circle to a key on your keyboard and just use muscle memory to
write down the combinations. That's what I used to get to level 10. Disappointing imo
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/20(Sun)11:07:43 No.3433719
Wasn't this posted like a month ago?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/20(Sun)12:32:05 No.3433729
please, can someone just hack this game already, so that whatever you click it advances??