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This is resource MVA1UIP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/7 -2020 17:58:53

Ended:19/7 -2020 11:37:05

Checked:19/7 -2020 12:53:50

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: weekend inside joke.swf-(613 KB, 640x360, Loop)
[_] chrome blocking flash downloads? Anonymous 07/17/20(Fri)11:53:28 No.3434138

  i've been neglecting future-proofing my browser and now i'm getting errors claiming the flash
  files are "dangerous" and that chrome has blocked them. is there a setting or flag i can change
  to at the very least allow the download of swfs? or would it be best to look for an extension or
  a different browser?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/20(Fri)15:02:50 No.3434144

  My browser started to warn swf downloads, even after changing the settings.
  in chrome you can disable safe browsing and change the site settings to allow unsafe content

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/20(Fri)15:10:33 No.3434145

  chrome has been doing this for more than 5 years now
  I'm using firefox but even that still asks me if I want to play flashes every time I start a new

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/20(Fri)23:03:54 No.3434175

  As far as downloading, you could use wget to download your flashes from here.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/20(Fri)23:11:06 No.3434176

  I have version 49.0.2623.112 and Flash works fine and without a warning, I looked up and you can
  download it. I'm using Vista btw.

>> [_] HatoYano 07/18/20(Sat)03:10:15 No.3434184

  blast from the past... Flash 4ever

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)08:14:34 No.3434191

  >using Google Chrome for literally anything

  Ok, all jokes aside, I suggest using IE to download and view Flash content without having to deal
  with all that shit the new browsers have attached to it. 4chan no longer works with IE because
  they updated to Https for no apparent reason, but it is useful for all other Flash based content.
  Edge is also pretty good, but you have to do like what you do with Firefox now, and allow it to
  play Flash Content every single time you open a new page.
  Also, daily fucking reminder that Microsoft is forcefully removing Flash from all browsers via
  'Windows Update' come the end of 2020 with no fucking way to opt out of it (welcome to the
  fucking future).

  Side note: we really need to discuss some way to /f/uture-proof this board.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)08:15:38 No.3434192

  >c.u.c.k. is now changed to kek
  This fucking site...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)11:42:46 No.3434203

  or you could, you know, use any other browser besides those 4 coorporate barf on a plate and use
  flash literally for ever

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)14:39:50 No.3434214

  That's easy, use Linux. I switched years ago, back in Windows 8.1 and haven't looked back.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)16:05:36 No.3434217

  only when it's in all caps, cuck

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)16:24:56 No.3434219

  prove it KEK

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)18:40:21 No.3434225

  Are you kidding OP?
  It's not enough that they force us to not enjoy flash in our browser but now the companies are
  trying to prevent us from enjoying it offline too?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/20(Sat)19:49:37 No.3434232

  There is an open cruzade to kill internet freedom and it has been escalating for years. Just look
  at how much more contained and normalized this site has become then realize that despite that
  it's still one of the easily accessible places with the most freedom of expression.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/19/20(Sun)05:33:47 No.3434258

  That brings back memories anon.
Created: 17/7 -2020 17:58:53 Last modified: 19/7 -2020 12:54:24 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:04:18