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This is resource MYKOF4R, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/7 -2020 16:45:58

Ended:5/11 -2020 18:42:00

Checked:5/11 -2020 19:08:50

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 4.
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/ > /fap/ > Thread 19374

Age: 91.08d   Health: 0%   Posters: 4   Posts: 4   Replies: 3   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 30jul2020(th)16:45 No.78404 OP P1

Batch Replacing Shapes and Images

Res posting this question here:
I am working on modding a couple of flash games using JPEXS, and while .swf related has been pretty
manageable, as its a handful of files that I have to replace, other projects like swapping the skin
color of Mindy from Simply Mindy are not manageable using JPEXS because it would take forever to
reimport the >900 images of Mindy that the game has.
Is there a better way to mod flash games then JPEXS, or at least some way to batch replace Shapes
or Images in flashes?
Really a simple Drag and Drop method would be ideal.
This is also for the most recent English translation of 5.7 (as of 07/20/20).

I have changed Kukaku's Bunny suit and Swimsuit to be red like her main clothing. I was in the
process of changing the color of the blue parts of the Grade School outfit, but I don't like my
color choice so its incomplete. There is a weird gap in her chest when she has the smallest breast
size with the Bunny suit on, but thats present in the base version I'm working off of too so
Let me know if I screwed up and missed anything with the bunny and swimsuit outfits as well.

[IMG] kukaku.swf (572.8 KiB)
800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 32 frames, 10 fps (00:03).
Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 1aug2020(sa)06:22 No.78416 A P2R1

i don't know, i've only used a pirated version of sothink's flash decompiler many years ago, but
here's a bump for visibility of your question

>> Anonymous 19aug2020(we)14:41 No.78796 B P3R2

1: don't mute the right click play controls: play, rewind, forwards are useful tools to get past
the blank page at the start if you forget to put in
gotoandplay(frame number);
gotoandstop(frame number);

on a second note, it's going to be hard to do that. you might have to do it with actionscript and
I'm not sure where to begin. I know datahandling in action script as of now, I know there is code
to load and change images/shapes but at this time I don't know what that is. but you will need to
do a for loop to save yourself time.

I think flash for loops look like:
for (thing in listofthings) {

I do know you can call objects that are present on the main timeline or library via _root.objectname

then do _root.objectname.whateveractioncanbedoneonit();

you can make it a user set action by checking the state of another object the user just interacted
with, such as an array of buttons and a crap tonne of if statement checks one for each button.

for example if there is only 1 button which effects one shape,
buttonstate = 0
on (press) {
[tab]if (buttonstate == 0){
[tab][tab]buttonstate = 1
[tab]}else if (buttonstate == 1){
[tab][tab]buttonstate = 0

if the button modifies more than one shape (color in example) you'll need to perform the action on
each shape desired

if the button is not the only button which modifies that shape
example: 1 button to changee the color, and 1 button to change the size and play an animation, and
one button to rule them all and one button to find them, one button to bring them all and in the
frame bind them.

then you'll have to do a bunch of bends of

if (_root.button (press) and _root.button2 (press) and not _root.button3 (press)) {}

etc. for every possible possibility.

not sure if this helps. again alot of the syntax is here but you'll need to look up the code words

>> Anonymous 20aug2020(th)21:16 No.78820 C P4R3

not one to critizise someone who just wanted to help, but I don't think this is what OP was looking
he's not asking how to modify content on the fly in flash, he's working with a swf editor, JPEXS
and wants to permanelty change images inside a flash, but do it as a batch and not all 1000 by hand
Created: 30/7 -2020 16:45:58 Last modified: 5/11 -2020 20:14:06 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:01:15