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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 33. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 20366 Age: 190.08d Health: 0% Posters: 28 Posts: 33 Replies: 32 Files: 1+3 >> Anonymous 14oct2020(we)07:39 No.80381 OP P1 [IMG] LucinaMatty_fixed.swf (1.95 MiB) 1100x750, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 29 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anonymous 14oct2020(we)12:04 No.80384 A P2R1 Cool. >> Anonymous 14oct2020(we)16:07 No.80385 B P3R2 bruh, the music is fkin bops >> Anonymous 14oct2020(we)20:23 No.80389 C P4R3 >>80381 what was the fix? >> Anonymous 14oct2020(we)21:11 No.80390 D P5R4 LOL y'all need to get some more sun if you think there was a problem with the original. Bitches be SO insecure LOL >> Anonymous 15oct2020(th)04:33 No.80394 E P6R5 some good things hidden here >> Anonymous 15oct2020(th)07:08 No.80395 OP P7R6 >>80390 She must be albino then, since he's darker than her. >> HangPedos 15oct2020(th)16:15 No.80396 F P8R7 The "skin" obsessed fags aside, this animation is smooth as usual. As of expected by Dinner. Also I adored the little easter egg thing. >> Anonymous 16oct2020(fr)12:11 No.80413 G P9R8 I'm here till swfchan 404's din and then/if man is still alive in 20XX I'll check newgrounds for your stuff >> Anonymous 16oct2020(fr)17:19 No.80418 H P10R9 >>80396 Yes, goy, masturbating to interracial porn is natural, stop being obsessed. >> w7-890 16oct2020(fr)21:50 No.80420 I P11R10 >>80396 #BLM big large mushroom >> Anonymous 17oct2020(sa)00:27 No.80424 J P12R11 >>80396 it's motion tween bruv, 'course is smooth. >> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 17oct2020(sa)01:20 No.80425 K P13R12 Thanks for posting my stuff <3 >> BearQ 17oct2020(sa)19:37 No.80445 L P14R13 What's going on with this Vietnamese cover lol. >> Anonymous 17oct2020(sa)21:34 No.80446 M P15R14 Yes! The teases all look great. I'm tempted to ask for more paizuri for Chiaki but you've already done it for the K-On flash and I don't want things to be too repetitive. >> Anonymous 18oct2020(su)04:03 No.80447 N P16R15 It's called 'fixed' because dude's balls got removed. >> Anonymous 20oct2020(tu)15:50 No.80491 O P17R16 Why does she have tits? >> Anonymous 21oct2020(we)08:36 No.80514 P P18R17 >>80491 Does it upset you? Fucking gayboy. >> Anonymous 21oct2020(we)17:17 No.80524 Q P19R18 imagine being so racist that you can't even stand a slightly dark white guy (which would still be considered fully white in society) in a fuggin' free porn game so you went out of your way to decompile, recolor, etc. said porn game just to basically jerk to the same thing.....while keeping in music that's not even in english, so who knows what the fuck they're saying.... that's a yikes from me chief >> Anonymous 21oct2020(we)18:37 No.80525 R P20R19 >>80524 OH, WE DONT WANT NIGGERS IN OUR SCHOOLS WE'RE NOT FOR INTEGRATION KEEP THEM NIGGERS IN THEIR PLACE WE'LL HAVE A BETTER NATION >> Anonymous 24oct2020(sa)20:01 No.80586 S P21R20 >>80524 jap > nig >> Anonymous 27oct2020(tu)12:15 No.80666 I P22R21 bumpfag is bumpy i guess the saying goes all communities eventually go to shit but some go to shit faster than the others >> Anonymous 27oct2020(tu)14:28 No.80673 T P23R22 >>80524 You writing that already took more effort than recoloring a couple shapes. >yikes kill yourself >> Anonymous 31oct2020(sa)00:22 No.80760 U P24R23 >>80524 it's just a meme bruh. but also let's face it, white skin just looks better. >> Anonymous 31oct2020(sa)16:49 No.80775 S P25R24 >>80396 never knew there was one in this, it's great! Dinner should post little glimps at his upcoming work more often, there was easily more of the upcoming Ritsu flash in this than the supposed joke release of it I wish someone would rip that sleeping animation into its own flash >> Anonymous 31oct2020(sa)19:35 No.80781 V P26R25 >>80760 naah fuck cumskin >> w7-890 31oct2020(sa)20:55 No.80784 I P27R26 >>80666 nice get also how can you tell if there are redditors on your image board my friend has janitor account on 4chan i wanna make an AI network in the meantime before i get developer access on another chan >> Anonymous 1nov2020(su)01:24 No.80800 W P28R27 >>80781 Is cumskin supposed to be an insult? Cum is pretty hot. >> Anonymous 1nov2020(su)18:39 No.80828 V P29R28 >>80800 I honestly would take our socks off and play barefeet footsies with you in the end ;-/ >> Anonymous 7nov2020(sa)14:35 No.80930 X P30R29 >>80800 fag >> Nick Gurs 7nov2020(sa)23:13 No.80942 Y P31R30 This thread needs some redpills Science papers : 92% of Black men eventually flee from their own biracial kids, and 98% NEVER send money support either White women are foolish to birth black kids, but (((TV))) brainwashes White women to assume otherwise, to their husbandless peril. Science : Black Fathers worst on earth! Astoundingly, nearly 92% of Black men eventually flee from biracial kids they themselves create!!! 92% Study from the CDC : archived in case shoahed : original : ads-are-born-out-of-wedlock/ Countless Sociology papers provoked creation of a recent documentary by the Black community, that Black men flee their kids, even if THE MOTHER IS BLACK. 72% if black mother : Refer to : archived in case shoahed : 72% from huge CDC study : Since 2006 onward in CDC data it's never been under 70% for blacks fleeing their black kids. pdf distilled 72% : archived in case shoahed : And 98% of mixed race kids get NO MONEY SUPPORT from black fathers EVER ! (Table 6): Ninety Two Percent: Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers ref "Table 6" of that 2015 Science paper (98%!) : The Black baby daddies flee. US Census 2000, with estimated 2016 values via US Gov "2016 American Community Survey" of : 6,281,000 documented black kid single moms (white or black mother), and 1,900,000 mixed race kids' single moms, then compared to white kids of single moms. A 90 percent confidence interval for each 2016 estimate showin >72% flee was found at "Children in single-parent families by race" : n%20SPF%20by%20race.xlsx The 90 percent confidence interval tables showing >72% were alterred, then deleted in 2019 by "", but a frozen 2019 paraphrased copy is at : You can probably find the older spreadsheets if you search, or consult CDC sources, or pdf above showing 72%. Except for in EVERY television commercial, the worst fathers on earth are scientifically proven to be black as shown above. A mixed race baby is never ever going to have a father and especially not a non-black father because no white man wants to be seen in public in a role that looks like he was "cuckolded" : A comic to help show the effect of 98% fleeing mixed kids : Print and TV commercials relentlessly brainwashing white teens: LOOK! : Women are delusional. A black thug spawn from Da'Trayvon knocks a white woman 7 full points out of 10 in dating value for long term commitment from a man with a job. Before you date a woman check her closest friends out on , and her as well. 92% of Black men eventually flee from their own biracial kids Though liberals hate science facts, Black fathers are no father at all. Provably disgusting animals spreading their seed. Hundreds of years ago, few niglets would survive, but in white society we feed and raise and breed more of them! >> Anonymous 8nov2020(su)22:01 No.80970 Z P32R31 >>80942 Genuinely curious, did you type that by scratch or copy and paste? >> Anonymous 11nov2020(we)04:46 No.81012 AA P33R32 >>80942 fake and gay |