Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource NYES5D4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/2 -2021 06:53:08

Ended:2/2 -2021 06:54:46

Checked:2/2 -2021 15:58:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 2

There are 1 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 less than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: Merlin's Magical Wintergatan Wash.swf-(4.98 MB, 1888x1080, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)00:52:29 No.3459187

>> [_] Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)01:01:11 No.3459189

  Okay faggots. Here's what you need to know.
  Adobe Flash Player browser plugins AFTER v32.0.0.371 have a killswitch that activated January
  12th 2021, but you can get around it. I'll cover downgrading, standalone projectors, and Ruffle.
  You can also hex edit to disable the killswitch, and I recommend this over all else, but that's
  beyond my knowledge. Ask in /f/.

  Here's a link to a combined archive of several v32.0.0.371 installers & standalone projectors for
  Windows, Mac, & Linux. Be sure to uninstall your current version first.

  You want an offline installer. For most, it'll be these files:
  NPAPI Plugin, for Chromium based browsers. Firefox, it's forks, Google Chrome, etc.
  Active X Plugin, for Internet Explorer, Media Player Classic.
  PPAPI Plugin, for Chromium based browsers. Google Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi support it. Maybe
  others. Give it a try if NPAPI doesn't work.
  A Macfag said he had luck with these. Likely NPAPI.
  Sorry Linuxfags, no idea.
  You can now keep using the Flash Player plugin on your browser. DISABLE AUTOMATIC UPDATES. This
  won't work forever, particularly in Chrome & Firefox.
  Devs are taking steps to block ALL Adobe Flash Plugins. Forks may offer continued support.
  Windows 8 & 10 have had updates released that prevent Flash installations.

  Adobe's Standalone Flash Projectors do NOT have the killswitch. Download SWFs and run them from
  your HDD. You can also paste in URLs.

  Ruffle is a work-in-progress Flash emulator. At the character limit so more info here:

>> [_] Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)01:52:12 No.3459192


>> [_] Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)22:29:52 No.3459276

  The flash that's so nice, it somehow got posted twice.
  Merlin's black magic.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/02/21(Tue)00:44:39 No.3459283

  pantsu actually proved that vampire tits are immortal, while blood is merely temporary
Created: 1/2 -2021 06:53:08 Last modified: 2/2 -2021 15:58:31 Server time: 13/03 -2025 10:19:35