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This is resource Q9AMFUT, an Archived Thread.
Original location: https://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3439795/cheer-up-emo-d… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 3. Discovered flash files: 1
File: WAHA_cheers_up_Emoduck_HaleNochiGuuOP2.swf-(464 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] A 09/18/20(Fri)06:38:33 No.3439795 cheer up emo duck >> [_] Anonymous 09/18/20(Fri)08:10:30 No.3439803 Thanks for posting, I liked the background music >> [_] Anonymous 09/18/20(Fri)13:36:25 No.3439824 >>3439803 The music is from the show Jungle wa itsumo Hare nochi Guu. Both the OP featuring this track and the anime itself are among my favorites, can't recommend it enough. |