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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 19354 Age: 92.42d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 7 Replies: 5 Files: 1+3 >> Anonymous 26jul2020(su)04:39 No.78357 OP P1 [IMG] Creambee-ExDee_Ruby_Short.swf (1.11 MiB) 1920x1080, Compressed (Deflate). 423 frames, 60 fps (00:07). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anonymous 26jul2020(su)16:33 No.78365 A P2R1 wow, how is this so much better than creambee's content the cum could be more appealing but still, way beyond what these guys do under creambee's direction >> Anonymous 26jul2020(su)21:35 No.78369 B P3R2 CreamBee didn't make this? I don't understand. >>78365 I find it way more amateurish than CreamBee's latest stuff, like the Shantae one. >> Anonymous 27jul2020(mo)07:33 No.78371 C P4R3 This is really good! They didn't shy away from frame speed to try and make it look more fluid, and it seems like it's more preferable to my tastes than Creambee's style of animation. Talent show was probably one of her best ones to date, but considering this is ExDee's first animation without Creambee's help, this is quite exceptional. Let's hope they only get better and hone their craft instead of getting a big head from the positive feedback they may get from this and start getting cocky and lazy. >> Anonymous 27jul2020(mo)15:51 No.78375 D P5R4 This looks so much cleaner compared to Creambee's art. Hope they get to do more of their own stuff. >> Anonymous 27jul2020(mo)17:05 No.78376 A P6R5 >>78369 yeah, BTS was good, but practically everything before was a hot mess a simple fluid animation like this is way more appealing to me also, it's from the animators of creambee, but not herself, just released under her name for more attention gathering >> Maddox 30jul2020(th)02:38 No.78391 E P7 wants to know your location you better no uncuck this else ill kek you until ur ass bleeds |